The Docks

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Raoul POV
"Ah home, it still reeks of such boring standards. Don't you think Piangi?" I asked my servant, of almost friend.
"You lived here sir?" Piangi asked while handing me my cloak as we stepped out of my carriage into the town bustling with people, nothing here had changed much.
"Summers, my Father owned a house by the sea over yonder. It was quite fun for me and my brother as children. We would spend days with the other children running about the town and the woods. We would reenact stories of the dark north one of the Father's of a another child would tell us." I said smiling at the fond memories.
"Sounds delightful Vitcome." Piangi said looking around.
"It was, my days were littered with stories and music from a particular family I would spend my days with. I hope they escape this dreadfully boring town. The daughter, Christine I believe, was my best friend. I always told her I would marry her someday and she would blush as my promise. She has probably forgotten all about me by now, it was so long ago." Christine Daae, she was a beautiful girl. She was ten when I was sixteen but mature beyond her years. We were enthralled with each other.
I remembered my worst experience in the town, a dreadful one. We had attend a masquerade ball at a castle owned by my Father's superior. The night was beautiful, until events unfolded which I was not find of remembering. My brother was best friends with the son of the castles owner. I was man years younger than the two, I was five and my brother was fourteen. We ran about the castle grounds with the future duke until, well a scaring memory occurred.
"Vitcome, I believe we have a meeting with the mayor?" Piangi said ripping me from from my memories of Christine.
"Yes, later we will visit the seaport. It was been a while since my last woman," I said with a devilish grin. I was a common patron of the brother back in Paris, all the whores used to fight for my attention for one night.
"Are you sure? We don't have our ties with the owners here as we do back home," Piangi said concerned for my well being a he often was.
"They will know of my Father, my brother told me when I was younger that my Father was a frequent visitor there. The old man seemed to have a way with the women there," I chucked to myself remembering how my Mother always had no knowledge of this.
"Very well then sir," Piangi said was we walked toward the office of the mayor in town. I was interested in investing in the small town as an ode to my brothers recent passing, bless the poor bastard.

Christine POV
This is my home, I grew up here. There must be something I can do.
"Forgive me Mama," I muttered remembering the jewelry box of her's that Papa kept in his room. The jewelry was expensive indeed. I took the most extravagant ones and left, letting tears leave my eyes but I quickly wiped them away with my scarf. There was only one place where I could sell the items, the arse of the world people would call it. There the thieves, murders, and whores littered the streets, Papa always warned me to never step foot near the seaport on the outskirts of town, but Papa was no longer next to me to protect me. I was fearful about possible encounters there but I had no choice, a girl like me afraid of my own shadow.
The seaport made me cringe as I walked towards the docks. Women were throwing themselves at the sailors and businessman in the area trying to make a quick frank off of them. The poor women, reducing themselves to this.
"Excuse me how much for this?" I asked the man next to me as he finished a business transaction. I took my Mother's locket out and he took it from my hands letting his eyes wonder over the sliver engravings. His eyes left the locket and grazed my body, and I felt repulsed by his actions.
"Five francs, no more." He said flashing me a smile reveling rotting teeth, utterly disgusting a man with poor hygiene.
"Its worth ten at least, its sliver Moiseur. Please!" I pleaded with him, as I anxiously fiddled with my hair.
"Five, take it or get lost dearie," He said licking his lips in a animalistic manor as his eyes once again ravished my figure. Christine you have no choice,
"Fine," I said as he ripped the locket from me and handed me the bills.
"I smell women smell em over'er" I heard a deep voice sat behind me. I tuned to see three dirty sailors walking down the docks towards me, I knew I needed to leave this place. A defenseless sixteen year girl was looked at as gold in these parts of town.
"I think I'll drop me anchor in that harbor over there," The second one said in a thick Scottish accent, while the thrusted his pelvis forward and I realized his words were simply an innuendo for sex. They walked past me and the third one looked at me and let his tongue leave his mouth and wet his lips as he grasped at his center,
"Even stoker's need a little stoke!" He said at me as he took another step towards me but I quickly dashed away from the possible messy situation. I ran into a woman who smelled of dead fish and sweat,
"Excuse me," I said leaving her but she quickly grasped my wrist, "Let me go!" I said quickly growing fearful,
"What a beautiful smile you've girlie, how old are you?" She asked as other gruesome people approached us. I began to tremble with fear,
"Sixteen madame," I said with my voice shaking, there were a few gasps, giggles and murmurs around me.
"I'll give you twenty franks for a tooth," She said as the man next to her took my jaw in his hand and I quickly ripped from his touch.
"Don't touch me you foul man!" I shrieked, and he only smiled at me as his horrible eyes looked me over. I covered my chest with the scarf I held around me, knowing what the men were now looking at.
"Come on dear, it won't hurt. You've obviously got a reason for being here, think of them." The woman said appealing to my emotions.
"Papa..." I whispered softly to myself, this was for him. "Fine." I said letting a tear fall. The man quickly grabbed my body and threw me into a chair as the woman forcefully opened my mouth making me gasp. A cold metal instrument was shoved into my mouth,
"No gag? Firmin this one seems of use!" The woman called to a wicked looking man who was watching from a distance. He wore a top hat and was holding a woman to his side, flashing a deceitful looking grin. Then I felt a unbearable pain in my mouth making me cry out in pain and a salty liquid spill onto my tongue, blood.
"There we are!" The woman said as the people around me cheered and laughed at my pain. I grabbed the bills from the man and flew from the scene towards a alley way.

Author POV
"She's a pretty one idn't she?" The gravely voice of Carlotta spilled into her man's ear.
"She'd make a pretty penny..." Firmin said as his gaze followed Christie as she ran away. "Fresh, pure meat is always appreciated, no doubt shes a virgin." Firmin chuckled to himself thinking of all the things he could make her do to please his customers.
"No doubt of it, I'll go get her," Carlotta said as she left his arm followed by a smack to her ass from Firmin. She smirked at him and blew a kiss. Carlotta and Firmin ran the prostitution ring in town and had for about twenty years now, and were the finest conman around.
"Such a shame, your Papa isnt it dearie?" Carlotta cooed to a crying Christine.
"Yes," She whispered to herself clutching her cheek,
"Here drink this, it'll help with the pain." Carlotta said pulling a small bottle from her breasts. Poor naive Christine took the bottle and quickly chugged down the liquid not even asking what it was, Carlotta smirked at her actions knowing well what she was doing to the poor defenseless girl.
"Such a beautiful young thing you are," Carlotta said brushing back one of Christine unruly curls behind her ear.
"Thank you," Christie said as her eyes fettered, no doubt beginning to feel the effect of the impurities entering her system.
"You could make a pretty penny off of your beauty, many men would pay much for you my dear," Carlotta said beginning to convince Christine of her possibilities.
"I couldn't." Christine denied her gestures.
"Yes you could, a young girl of your beauty. I will take care of you dear, clothing, food, a place of shelter. All you must do is provide your dear and I will pay you a hefty amount dearest." Carlotta said, "Make money in your sleep. Whats your name?"
"Beautiful, just like you." Christine began to tear,
"Come on dearie. Let's get you ready." Carlotta said pulling Christine to her feet, she stumbled at first from effect of the drink.
"I can't I don't know what im doing!" Christine cried,
"The men always do. I will be careful with who you go with dearest." Carlotta said stroking her cheek.
"I have no choice, do I?" Christine said softly.
"No." Carlotta said dragging her from the alley only to be surrounded by people watching the induction of a new whore. Carlotta dragged Christine inside of a building as Firmin watched Christine with amusement.
"This dress should fit!" Carlotta said throwing a dress at Christine, the fabric smelled of smoke and sex.
"Strip," Firmin said,
"Excuse me?" Christine slurred at his commands.
"I like to see what I am getting payed for," Firmin smirked.
"I, I..." Christine stuttered. Then Carlotta came behind Christine and began to undo Christine's dress aggressively.
"N0, please!" Christine said softly,
"This could save your poor Papa, remember that"Carlotta cooed and Firmin smirked at Carlotta's appeal to Christine's emotions. Christine's cries became louder and she let her dress fall to a pool on the floor along with her slip letting her naked body be exposed to the two.
"Perfect..." Firmin growled as he ravished Christine with his eyes. His rough touch found Christine's waist and pulled her close, and Christine gasped.
"The rate will be fifty franks for sex, twenty for oral, two hundred for a night, but we shall hold an auction for her first time." Firmin said and Carlotta smirked at him agreeing to his pricing.
"Oral?" Christine muttered,
"You'll learn dearie" Carlotta said as she dressed Christine in the dirty dress. Christine's felt as her soul was dying as she looked in the mirror, knowing what she was about to become. A common whore. She had no choice, making money selling her body.
"Send her out," Carlotta said as she sprayed Christine with a cheap perfume that reeked of desperation. Firmin grabbed Christine and dragged her outside to hear cheers of her new fellow whores. Who could cheer for this? Christine thought to herself.
"Bidding starts at Fiffty for the virgin!" The voice of Firmin boomed to the crowd in front of the whore house.
"Fresh meat boys!"
"I'll take the cherry!" Were some of the things yelled at Christine and she shuttered at each call. Goosebumps forming on her skin from anxiety and the cold air. The auction for her first time continued, all the noise faded and she let her thoughts wander of what it felt like.
"Sold to the Vitcome de Changy for one hundred franks!"

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