Chapter 8

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After finishing the final touches of the party in Hinata's house, Ino had to practically shove her out the house to get Naruto. Ino told her to act like she had forgotten it was Naruto's birthday, but Hinata was afraid she would blurt it out. What if he was far away from her house? Would she be able to survive the silence when walking back with him? Would he talk nonstop and she wouldn't know what to say? Her mind was spinning with possibilities when she stopped in front of Naruto's house. She let out a deep breath before knocking.

The door opened with a sleepy Naruto, rubbing his eyes. He yawned out loud, and she wondered how he could sleep this long. "Oh hey Hinata," he said, "What's up?"

She instantly blushed at the sight of him. With his disheveled hair and tired expression, she thought he couldn't be any more cuter. "H-hi Naruto, u-uhm... u-uhhh...." No this can't be happening! Oh..... Hinata mentally slapped herself for being so incoherent.

He looked quizzically at her. "You alright?" He placed his hand on her forehead, Hinata's eyes widening.

"Ahhh!" Hinata then took off running, back to the house, leaving Naruto utterly confused.

She was panting heavily now, a few feet away from her house. The party wasn't to start until a few hours, so why had she been sent to retrieve Naruto? Hinata went inside and asked Ino that question.

"Oh why, just for the fun of it!" She giggled, making Hinata slouch her shoulders. She told her what happened with her encounter with Naruto, which made the blonde bust out laughing.

"I-I don't know w-what is wrong with m-me, Ino," Hinata cried.

"Nothing's wrong with you honey, I'm sorry. I'll get him, so you won't freeze up, after we prepare ourselves, I'll help you," she smiled at her and wiped Hinata's tears. She felt glad that Ino was helping her out with all of this, especially since they weren't very close.

"O-okay." Hinata went to her room to grab her dress and heels, then left to Ino's house.

* * * * * *

Naruto had stopped at Ichirakus a few hours after seeing Hinata. Why'd she freeze up like that? She's always doing that and getting red, does she get sick a lot? He thought, and the image of her in that dress came back into his mind just from thinking about this morning. Hinata's so innocent, but in the dress, she looked anything but that. Naruto sighed while he got his bowl of ramen and looked down at it. He suddenly jerked his head up. It was his birthday! He smiled, wondering how he could've forgotten.

"Happy birthday knucklehead!!!!" He felt someone wrap their arms around his neck, ruffling his hair, and turned around to see his teammate.

Naruto grinned. "Thanks Sakura!"

She removed herself from his back placed the tip of her fingers on her mouth, which were formed in an 'o' shape, "Oops, wasn't supposed to say that until later!" and lightly chuckled.

He tilted his head. "Why not?"

Not supposed to say that either... she thought and sighed. "Never mind that Naruto, so you're just going to eat ramen for your birthday?" Sakura scrunched her nose. Ino had informed her when she came back from the mission about Naruto's party, and had to stall him until the event.

"I'm not really sure what I want to do today," Naruto said, while tapping his finger against his chin. Then an idea popped in his mind, though not sure it would work.

"I got it!! I'll ask Grandma Tsunade if I can be Hokage!" Naruto exclaimed and jumped from his seat, throwing his arm in the air, fingers balled up in a fist.

"Naruto, you can't just ask Lady Tsunade if you can be the Hokage!" Sakura said, thinking that she thought he already knew this.

"Sakurraaaaa, obviously!! I meant just for the day, since it's my birthday!" He jabbed his thumb to his chest, and grinned. "And I'm going to be Hokage one day, so why not find out today how it's going to be like?!"

She slapped him on the head, which earned her a glare and scowl from the blonde. "HEY! What was the for?!"

Sakura sighed. "For being so stupid! She won't let you do it." She told him and crossed her arms.

He gave her a mischievous grin, "You'll see!!" and left running to the Hokage's office.

* * * * * *

"Oh come on!" Naruto pleaded. Tsunade had been declining his request to be Hokage for the day, and he didn't want to stop trying.

"I said no Naruto! I have a lot of work to do, so leave," she glared at him and pointed to the door. He muttered a 'fine' and sighed in defeat, walking slowly to the door. Sakura walked past him when he opened it. "Told ya," she whispered and giggled. Narutos frown grew deeper and he set off to find someone to train with. So much for a birthday, he glumly thought.

He was in the middle of the village, wondering where everyone could have gone, when he felt a presence behind him and turned around.

"Sasuke! Sasuke?" Naruto repeated.

"Uh hey," he said and cleared his throat, "just wanted to say happy birthday, so... happy birthday," His voice got lower by each word.

"Whaaaaaaa??" Naruto cupped his hand on his ear and leaned closer.

"I said happy birthday idiot!" Sasuke gritted his teeth.

Naruto grinned when he heard those words and placed his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, which made him narrow his eyes.

"You want to train?? I have nothing to do," he said sheepishly and rubbed his neck.

"Would like to, but can't. Got to get ready for-" He realized what he was about to spout out and stopped, before looking away.

"Get ready for what?"

"Nothing, see ya," Sasuke said and left, leaving Naruto confused, the second person to do so.

* * * * * *

Hours had passed, and the two girls were finally ready. Hinata had only added a nude lipstick and accessories to her outfit, while Ino had on a purple dress and lipstick that ended to her mid thighs, and a very low v-neck. Hinata was trembling with nervousness, and checked the mirror to see . Was tonight going to be the night for her? To get close to Naruto? Or will all fail because of her shyness? Though she did wear this dress, that was a step in the right direction, right? Her thoughts had ended with the sound of Ino greeting everyone, and she rushed downstairs, but not too fast to fall down the stairs with her heels.

"Change of plans, Sakura will be getting Naruto," Ino said to her, and told everyone to lower their voices. "Do you see them near here?"

Hinata activated her Byakugan. "Y-yes, they are a-about five feet a-away," She could feel her heart thrashing in her chest, wanting to get out, but took several deep breaths before crouching and hiding like everyone else. Tenten quickly turned off the lights and went back to her spot.

"Are you going to tell me what we're doing now or-" His sentence had been interrupted when Sakura opened the door and turned the light on. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARUTO!" Everyone jumped up and chorused.

Naruto's eyes had widened, and looked around the room, shocked his friends would do something like this. "Is this.. for me?" He looked around and saw the smiling faces of his teammates, making his heart swell.

"Of course! Though... Hinata was the one that thought of doing this," Ino smirked, and Naruto glanced over to Hinata's way. The eye contact made her blush, and turned her head, but not before seeing Naruto give her a smile, which she returned with a small one.

"So, who's ready to get this party started!" She turned on the music.

"Come on, let's dance!" Sakura pulled Naruto's hand and joined everyone on the dance, making Hinata sigh.

Ino smiled at her. "You'll have your turn honey, but for right now, let's just have fun!" She hollered and laughed, and danced with Hinata, who was glad she had a friend like Ino.

* * * * * *

Party has officially started!! Wooohhooo! I brought Sasuke in, FINALLY! :D So I hope yall like this chapter, love you!! :)) And for the picture, that was the closet I found that looked like Hinata's dress, minus the bow :D

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