twenty-five | MURDERER

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the og squad

also thanks to the riverdale wiki for saving me like 40 minutes, i used some of the lines from that article in here

"W-what are you talking about?" Luna was astonished, she could not believe what she was hearing.

Certainly, her father couldn't have been the one kill, Jason Blossom, right?

From the time she did get to know him, he proved to be a pretty great guy. And he didn't deserve everything that was happening to him.

He couldn't have killed Jason Blossom.

"They searched our dad's house!" Jughead exclaimed, scoffing at the rest of the core four behind him.

"I had nothing to do with it! I only knew about the dinner," Betty frowned.

"It was for your own protection!" Veronica tried to defend her and Archie.

"We searched the house up and down anyway, there was no gun," Archie added.

Luna shook her head, "I-I'm, I just-"

She looked around and the room seemed to be spinning, she had a pounding headache and before everything went black all she remembered was everyone yelling at each other.


Luna's eyes fluttered open, and momentarily, everything was blurry.

When things finally focused, she looked around her surroundings seemed familiar.

She was in Pop's.

"She's awake..." she heard someone say, and she looked to her side to see Jughead and Betty, and in front of her was Archie and Veronica.

Luna furrowed her brows and took her shoulder off the side of the booth, "What am I, what am I doing here?"

"We took you here after you passed out, to explain everything to you guys," Archie explained.

"So they just casually let you take an unconscious body in here and prop it up on the side of your booth?" Luna questioned.

Veronica shrugged, "Yeah, pretty much."

"Anyways," Jughead started. "they explained everything to me while you were out."

"They explained what?" Luna scrunched her brows together and started to sit up.

"Well, this might take a while, but there's some stuff you missed," Veronica bit her lip.

"First of all, Cheryl and I are 3rd cousins," Betty said.

"What? Way to rip it off like a band-aid," Luna seemed confused. "wait, but Polly-"

"Yeah..." Betty nodded.

"That's disgusting!" Luna exclaimed. "his cousin?"

"Yep, and Cheryl's parents - they knew, and they were okay with it," Betty elaborated.

"In other, less disturbing, news," Veronica started. "FP was arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom."

"What?" Luna was immediately at full attention.

"Yeah, but, Archie and I searched his house before they arrested him-" Veronica continued.

"Why?" Luna asked.

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