nine | SHAME

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this chapter deals with slut-shaming, sexuality confusion, and slight experimenting

chapter includes detailed description of a girl on girl make out session

also where I live we have this thing called r/r before first period which is read and review so it's basically a 30-minute study hall.

i don't if it's anywhere else so i thought i would inform you guys as i mentioned it in this chapter!



"Veronica, wait!"

Luna yelled as she rushed to catch up with Veronica who was marching down the hallway quite angrily and quickly.

Betty was right beside Luna, yelling just as loudly, "Veronica, where are you going?"

Both paused when Veronica ran into the men's locker room and looked at each other.

They shrugged and followed suit, able to see the beginning of what would be a huge fight.

"You asshole!"

From what they could tell, Veronica had yelled that as she has the most feminine voice in the room.

"What?" Chuck had chuckled, turning around with only a towel around his waist.

Suddenly Luna was fully aware of where she was and turned around, only to find many different boys in the same attire, "Hi."

Reggie Mantle smirked and nodded in her direction, Moose chuckled, and Archie came up to her.

"Betty, Luna, what is happening here?"

They could hear incoherent yelling from behind them, which they could tell was the product of Veronica's marching in.

"Well, Veronica was, um, she's angry," Betty fiddled with her fingers and frowned.

"Why?" Archie asked.

"Because of this," Luna took Betty's phone and found Chuck's Instagram, where she found his latest post and showed it to Archie.

Archie furrowed his brows, "Oh, okay. But I still have to break this up, don't I?"

"You should," Betty snorted.

Archie went over to Veronica and Chuck, where he held her back from killing him.

"Archie! Let me go!"

"Ronnie, please, just calm down," Archie was struggling to use one hand to hold up his towel and the other to push Veronica away.

Luna nudged Betty, "Bet you wish that towel fell."

Betty scoffed and Luna chuckled, "Shut up Lune!"

"Okay, that high-toned bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory. But please, fight back. You'll only make it harder on yourself."

Veronica grunted and attempted to break free from Archie's grip, but she ultimately failed and was ushered out the locker room by Luna and Betty.

Veronica shrugged off Betty and Luna before turning around.

Luna just crossed her arms and Betty sighed.

"I think we need to come up with a plan," Veronica stated.

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