Chapter 1.

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Chapter One
Ivy Senten

It all started with the simple buzz of my phone. My eyes quickly glanced at the screen of the iPhone as I ate another piece of cheddar popcorn, it's awful but it was in the cabinet. I frowned as I reached over and pressed the home button, reading the notification. One puzzled glance was all it took. My eyes widened as I reread the tiny words in my screen.

Jamesxcass added you.

In that moment I could have sworn that the ground opened up and swallowed me. I usually didn't act like this, but crazy things were happening. I couldn't move so I was just sitting, frozen on my couch as the new Spider-Man movie played on the flat screen several feet away.

All of a sudden my white knee length socks made contact with the black carpeted floor and I was pacing, dialing my best friends number. When the girl finally answered her high pitched voice spoke from my phone. "Yeeees?" the girl asked.

There was no way to simply say that the most popular guy in school had added me, so instead of trying to find the correct words I just told her point blank what was on my mind. "James fucking Cassidy just added me" my voice whisper shouted. Well, I guess that was pretty simple.

The line was quiet for a few moments almost as if she had hung up but soon enough Sarah was screaming and I had to move the phone away from my ear. "Are you joking Ivy? Did he text you? Oh my god I can't believe this is happening" she yelled as she realized what was going on. I laughed as I nodded, agreeing that this situation was crazy.

"No, but that's not important. You know how I feel about him. How did he even get my username?" I asked the joyful girl on the other side of the line. She seemed to be thinking for a few moments before she spoke up again.

"I know you hate him, but hasn't this little one sided rivalry of yours been going on long enough" she whispered through the speaker as I rolled my eyes. "No, it hasn't been going on for too long, and it won't end until I'm dead" I stated as Sarah sighed.

I have to go, my parents are calling me, but I'll see you tomorrow" she said, reminding me that Monday was right around the corner. I passed on a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone and tapping the Snapchat icon. Was I mistaken? Was it a joke? A cruel prank?

As I scrolled through the list of people who had added me I saw many things that stuck out. Not only had James added me, but several other guys had too. I guess I didn't notice before since I'm not big on social media. It was almost as if someone had shared my username and everyone had just realized who I was and added me. I shook my head slowly.

I am a junior now. Things are changing. I have a curvier body. I have more people staring at me when I walk down the hallway. I have a drivers license And I am definitely one hundred percent going crazy.


The loud ringing echoed in my bedroom from the alarm clock beside me as I sighed, fucking hell. I stood slowly, stretching awkwardly. Once I'd made my way to the dresser I picked out an outfit. It was only the third week of school so I was still making impressions. That meant I needed to wear something nice but not to dressy. So casual chic, i guess. I'm not that smart when it comes to fashion, in fact, I'd say I'm pretty inept. I eventually found a pair of ripped jeans and a T-shirt, which I tucked in.

I slipped on a simple white pair of socks and my converse before exiting my bedroom and walking towards the kitchen. I was an only child so luckily there were no annoying siblings screaming and running around, just me. When I was younger I'd always begged for a sibling, but after all of my babysitting gigs I was sure that not have siblings was a blessing. I toasted a piece of bread, knowing my mom would still be sleeping because of her late shift at the hospital the night prior.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the house. I took a bite of the toast as I walked towards the bus stop, sitting down on the small pile of bricks which I had stacked up to make a small seat. I remembered seventh grade when I had gotten tired of standing so I decided to make use of the materials I had available. It was one of my few artsy moments.

I heard the bus before I saw anything and stood as it rounded the corner, passing the tall trees in its path. I lived in a pretty small neighborhood with a lining of generic suburban houses. I waited patiently as the doors opened and the woman driving offered a friendly smile which I returned. I stood and looked for a seat, which was always nerve wracking.

What if you took someone else's? What if there was no room? What if you asked someone if you could sit with them and they said no? All of these fears were probably uncalled for, but it didn't stop me from worrying.

My eyes finally landed on a empty seat near the back, which I walked to and sat down, turning the music on my phone up as I bobbed my head to the music ringing through my earbuds. The bus ride wasn't too long but the driver always played country music, which I wasn't a fan of, even though my mother was an addict for anything related to Kenny Chesney.
We had a lot of things in common, that wasn't one of them.

The bus parked at the high school and a creak sounded loudly as the doors moved away to let the rowdy teenagers go. It was like a zoo here, with way too many animals. The place was crowded, students stumbling around and over each other to get inside of the place they hard so much. Several people smiled slightly at me, a bit more than usual. I tried to be nice and repay the gesture but I was still confused at all of the new faces.

   The sound of footsteps surrounded my ears as I made my way to the main hallway, finding my locker. I messed with the lock a bit before, eventually, the door swung open. You'd thing after three years of high school i would be able to open a locker without a struggle, but apparently i still had a lot to learn. I took one of my books and placed my bag inside, clicking the lock back on. The bell sounded, signaling it was the start of the day.

I wasn't a big fan of school, like most people, but I had decent grades. I wasn't involved in any extracurriculars, making me a super boring person to be around, but I managed.

   When the clock finally made its way around to 2:30 I got out of my seat and walked to the bus ramp, only to hear my name be called behind me. "Hey, Ivy" a voice shouted. I turned to see the one thing i didn't expect, James Cassidy running towards me. I tried to keep myself calm as he smiled widely at me.

"Sorry I saw you and remembered I ride the same bus, thought we could sit together..." the male said before shooting another smile my way. I stopped moving and tried my best not to glare at him. He wouldn't even know what i was upset about, because James Cassidy isn't the type of person to care.

My eyebrows were furrowed as I began to speak. Even though i didn't like him, I was still curious about the night before. "I saw you added me" I said, referring to the name notification I had received on my phone. He nodded. "Yeah, well, people were talking about you so." As he said this I thought back to the random smiling people and the other friend requests I'd got. What was up with the sudden popularity? Besides that, I took offense from the statement. This guy hadn't even spoke my name before i started being, well, whatever i am now. It's not like his opinion should even matter but the past still makes my stomach tighten and my head spin. We were just children, it shouldn't be so annoying, but it is, because him admitting that he was only paying attention to me because everyone else was reminded me of those moments when he treated me like I was nothing.

"You know what" I stated suddenly. This was the same guy i had a crush on for years, the same guy who had crushed my little baby heart. "I forgot that I drove my car to school" I stated. He probably looked confused since I'd rode the bus this morning but I didn't care. Instead I turned on my heel and made my way to the pick up spot, texting my mom a quick s.o.s.

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