Chapter 12.

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Ivy's P.O.V.

"Casey, stop drinking my fucking orange juice" i laughed as the blonde took another drink from my clear glass. She chuckled before setting it down and shrugging, "i would say sorry but then I'd by lying" The girl joked as she walked her own plate to the sink.

It was already 7:30 AM and we were going to be late so i too walked my plate towards the sink and rinsed it off before grabbing my bag off the back of my chair. Casey did the same and we silently exchanged a look letting each other know we were ready to go.

I hopped into Casey's car, it was an opportunity to car pool so that's what we did. To say that having a sister was good would be an understatement. I was getting along with her better then i could have ever imagined. "Are those my shoes" she asked. Looking down at my feet briefly as she drove.

"Um." Was all i said before the girl rolled her eyes with a smile. I had decided to dress a bit nicer today with a pair of back ankle boots, a burgundy thigh length skirt, and a white tee shirt tucked in. My hair was also straightened which Casey had helped me with.

Eventually we pulled up to the high school and exited the car. My eyes scanned over the parking lot before landing on James and i quickly shouted to Casey that i would see her later. Jogging over to James, he didn't see me as he was looking the other way so i hopped on his back. Caught off guard he looked up at me and then smiled when he saw who i was, "Hey Ivy".

"Hi." Was all i said as i smiled down at the dark haired boy. It wasn't long before a small girl walked up to us, specifically James, and passed us an invite to a party at her house. I wasn't interested but James seemed to want to go, when she walked off i told him i didn't really want to go so he could go on his own.

"Are you sure?" He asked me with a puzzled look. I nodded and managed to smile before leading him towards the school doors. Another long ass day.


7:00 @ The House.

My phone buzzed to let me know someone had tagged me in a photo of a keg, looking at the username i recognized it as the girl who had invited us to the party.

"Hope everyone shows!"

I frowned at the comment, perhaps a party wouldn't be the worst thing. Besides, it was nice that people were accepting me. I saw Casey leave her room dressed up and peeked my head out to the hallway, "going to the party?" I asked. She merely nodded as she searched her purse for her keys. My hair was still straightened so i just needed a dress.

"Hold on" i said before running to my closet and looking through my clothes before finding a simple black dress. I quickly took off my clothing and put it on, paired with a puffer jacket since it would be cold. A black pair of heels and a stumble out of my room was all that happened before Casey was pulling me down the steps in a hurry.

We got in the small car and she started it, "you are so lucky i like you, I've never been late to a party" she said before pulling out of the driveway.

James' P.O.V.

I was lucky Ivy wasn't coming. At first i was upset about it but then when i saw Lia here i realized this would be the best opportunity to complete the dare. I had forgot about it for a while but my friends were getting impatient, saying maybe i wasn't capable of getting with the girl.

Surely enough i was going to prove them wrong as i pulled a giddy Lia upstairs and towards a small bedroom. She smiled at me happily before falling onto the clothed bed. She wasn't drunk, i knew that. But it was obvious she wanted me and that made me.... mad? I mean wasn't she supposed to be Ivy's friend?

I ignored the thought as i sat on he bed next to her, taking her face and placing my lips on top of hers to which she responded well. It was all too familiar of a scenario. They believed i cared for them when i didn't.

For some reason though i didn't enjoy the kiss. Lia was a beautiful girl, don't get me wrong. But she wasn't who i wanted to be kissing at that moment. We fell back to the pillows as she clung to my shirt, raising it above my head and i did the same to hers. Everything was going well as i slowly moved my lips against hers, until it wasn't.

A sickly sweet voice was shouting over the music as they opened the door and the light poured in, the girl was turned the other way as she shouted to her friend, "hold on i have to clean off this stain" she said, before turning to look at the bed, her eyes widened and in the dim light it was clear to me.

Ivy's eyes had met mine.

Ivy's P.O.V.

"For fucks sake" i said as the boy spilled his red solo cup over my dress, this is why i didn't go to parties. He apologized, asking if i wanted him to wash it off to which i refused and walked off towards the bath room.

Casey, seeing me walking off shouted over to me, "where are you going" she asked, hoping i didn't want to leave. "Hold on, i just have to clean off this stain" i shouted back as i opened a white door, hoping it would lead to a restroom. The light poured into the darkness and i looked at the room which was clearly a bedroom at this point.

I was getting ready to apologize as i noticed two bodies before my eyes landed on another pair.

A fucking brownie batter pair of eyes.

"James?" I asked before switching on the light and my eyes confirmed the thought. James Cassidy was on top of a girl i thought was my friend, and i couldn't be mad because this was the plan all along. But i was mad.

"What the actual fuck" i yelled before the boy jumped up, his shirt thrown on the floor and Lias bra halfway undone. I felt like i was going to cry but in the moment i was too mad.

"Ivy, listen" The tall boy stated before walking closer to me. I could've sworn i was going to throw up as the boy looked defeated and the girl watched me as if she didn't even care.

"You fucking cunt" i yelled, directing my words towards Lia, it wasn't because she had betrayed me. Well it was, but that wasn't the whole reason i wanted to punch her. It was mostly because James Cassidy, the boy i had cared about so much, or at least learned to in the past few days, had chosen her over me.

I didn't let him get any closer as i left the room, running out of the house followed by Casey who must have seen the ordeal.

James Fucking Cassidy.

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