Chapter 2.

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Chapter Two
Ivy Senten

Life has never been so shitty. Despite my incredible annoyance, I stood my ground as I typed a text, pressing send. In only a matter of minutes my mother was there looking slightly concerned. I just shook my head, not wanting to be questioned, as i sat down in the passenger seat of the Cadillac.

James Cassidy had ruined my day, yet again.


3 years ago

Eighth grade had to be the worst year of my life, if it got worse than this i would literally die. I looked back down towards the paper as my thoughts spun around in my head. I was eventually brought back to reality when I heard the words leave James's mouth.

"Are you stupid?" The boy asked in all seriousness. I faced him, James Cassidy, a name that drifted through this school far too much. But nevertheless his good looks and charming ways had won me over also. I rolled my eyes, "says the guy who needs my help" I muttered.

Although I did like James, I wasn't stoked about the fact that I had to tutor him. Sure it was an excuse to be with him but he was rude and that didn't help me with the task, I should seriously reevaluate my standards. I looked back at the math textbook and grumbled, I could barely focus with his eyes following me.

"Could you please stop staring" I stated, slightly above a whisper. I waited for his answer, my pencil tapping on the library table as several students sat around us, reading or working. He seemed to have rolled his eyes before speaking, "you should feel lucky, it's the only attention you'll ever get.." he muttered. My jaw almost dropped. Cruel words for such a young kid.

How could he say something like that? Sure I wasn't pretty or popular but I was still a person and I wasn't about to be disrespected. However, with all the courage I seemed to have, I was only able to make out a simple, 'what'. He laughed at me pitifully and shook his head. "You must be dirt poor" he stated casually as he looked over my outfit, his eyes dark and his mouth twisted in a look of slight disgust. My mouth formed a circle, slightly shocked, as I thought about his words, which echoed in my mind. I frowned, looking at the male who I had a crush on. Why did I like him? I hated him. Hate hate hate hate hate. The word seemed to be set on repeat even though the word 'like' was heard behind it, somewhere far away in the dark where I was going to keep it. I lost myself, slamming my book and not even speaking as the world began to sparkle.


Yes sparkle, the world was shiny. And that's when I realized tears were forming in my brown doe like eyes. I shook my head, don't cry, I said to myself as I spun around, not even saying goodbye to the boy who had ruined my whole day. I raced out of the library and kept running until I was around the corner, looking down at the cement and feeling the cold tears fall down my cheeks and off my face onto the ground. I sighed, weak. That was the word that ultimately summed me up in that moment.

Weak, and so freaking stupid.


As I rose from my thoughts I saw my house just ahead and unbuckled as my mother parked the car. I went to open the door before the sudden click announced that the lock had trapped me inside. I groaned and turned to my mother, who was the exact opposite of me. Tall and blonde, absolutely beautiful. I hated that I looked more like my father, whom I had only seen pictures of. That was one person I hated more than James, my father.

"What happened" she stated and folded her arms. I sat back and stared at her, I usually told my mother everything but I knew she would worry if I told her about James. I shook my head, "nothing I just don't want to ride the bus anymore" I stated with a shrug. My mothers eyes lit up as she kept the accusing look on her face. She nodded her head slightly towards the house and when I turned, I gasped. The garage was open and inside was a slightly beaten up black Nissan.

"Mom!" I yelled as I hugged her tightly and hopped out of the car after struggling with the lock. My feet crunched against the rocks as I skipped happily towards the vehicle, almost crying happy tears. I'd never owned a car before if you couldn't tell. I had gotten my license last year but my mother is definitely not rich so she couldn't buy me a car. I guess all the night shifts had paid off.

"Thank you so much mom" I said as the tall woman smiled and locked her Cadillac, walking towards the door. She laughed at my reaction, probably because I'd never had expected this. "Yeah just don't ask me for anything for another year" she said with a sarcastic eye roll. I chuckled, typical mom answer. I shook my head, looking back at the car.


*message from: jamesxcass.

Sarah saw my phone before I did and screamed. I jumped up and looked at her, my eyes wide. "What the hell Sarah" I asked. She smiled brightly and tossed my phone to me. When I saw the notification I had to suppress a groan as I saw his name on my screen. "Ew." I casually said, causing my friend to

Sarah's voice spoke again, this time not as excited. "Well, aren't you going to see what he said" she asked, almost as if she was trying to tempt me. I looked at the phone and muttered something about 'frick my life' before swiping the notification to the left and reading the message.

Jamesxcass: "Hey, its James"

I decided to test his ego a bit, laughing to myself as I typed up a reply.

IvyRocks: "James Elise?"

I giggled, I didn't even know a James Elise. Not to mention James's username was 'jamesxcass' so it wouldn't make much sense. I shook my head at my pettiness as I saw the notification that he was typing and as soon as he hit send I entered the conversation, silently cursing at the fact that I was replying again.

The whole situation was pretty crazy. I was trying my best to ignore the fact that James even existed.

Jamesxcass: no... James Cassidy.

IvyRocks: Oh! Gosh I feel stupid, lol, hey.

I didn't feel stupid at all, in fact I felt pretty damn clever. And with that I shut off my phone with one thought on the top of my mind as the notebook credits rolled.

Let the delivered notification drive him crazy.


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