Chapter 13.

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James' P.O.V.

The only thing i saw was her black dress flying away as she ran out of the bedroom. I didn't look back before running out, stopped by Lias hand on mine, "don't go" she pouted.

If she was a boy i would have punched her, i swear. Not only did she make a girl i cared about upset but she betrayed someone who was supposed to be her friend.

"She was right, you are a cunt" i said before exiting the room and looking for the girl. Ivy needed to hear me out, but if i did catch up to her i wouldn't even know what to say. I'm sorry? It was a mistake? Why did i even go after her? It's not like we're really dating.

Still, i ran towards the front door and watched as her and Casey ran off. I was going to chase after them when they hopped in Casey's car and drove off. I didn't know whether to be pissed or totally lose my shit. My foot made contact with the dirt as i violently kicked the ground.

If i told her it was a dare then she would know i was lying about liking Lia, but if i told her it was a mistake she wouldn't understand that. My eyes watered for the first time in a while, i hadn't planned this far ahead. I didn't think i would find myself caring about my fake girlfriend.

Ivy fucking Senten.

Ivy's P.O.V.

I wasn't able to answer Casey's frantic questions as i closed my bedroom door and sat on the ground. Knowing i needed time to myself she left me alone, letting me fall into a state of confusion. How did i get here?

James Cassidy had bullied me, then he had asked me to be his girlfriend to get with another girl and for some reason i agreed, and now he had gotten with that girl and i was mad? We had worked for this, had the whole school believe we were a good couple. Just so i could ruin it by interrupting his moment. Still, i couldn't just stand there as he made out with a girl who was supposed to be my friend.

A piercing screen left my lips as the tears rushed down my cheeks. James Cassidy hadn't even had my heart and somehow he managed to break it. But did he have my heart? Hell, he doesn't anymore but let's be real. He obviously did. Everything from his eyes, his perfect hair, it all raced through my mind and i had tried to outrun it but i knew i couldn't. It caught up to me and i embraced it, only to realize it wasn't catching up to me in order to run beside me, my feeling were only running to pass me. Because James Cassidy wanted to win the race for Lia, not my heart. I wish i would have realized that sooner.

I wasn't the prize, that two faced bitch was. But i still fucking ran. "Ivy" my moms sweet voice spoke on the other side of my door. The woman sounded scared so i let her walk inside and she sat on the floor next to me. She didn't need to ask me what was wrong, or what had happened, she just hugged me close and let me cry on her shoulder.

"I knew this would happen but i wasn't ready yet" i yelled into my moms shoulder between sobs. She nodded. She had no idea what i was talking about, but moms always know what to do anyways.

I wiped my eyes and the woman silently stood up, taking my hand and pulling me off the ground. I quietly followed her towards the kitchen and sat down at the table, my head resting on my arms as i laid my face on the cold tabletop. She passed me a mug of hot chocolate, sitting next to me as Casey peeked around the corner. I waved, beckoning for her to walk over here. She sat down across from me and held my hand.

"What happened babe?" My step sister asked as her eyes worriedly wandered over me. I breathed slowly, trying to catch my thoughts and gather them to tell her what's wrong. "I um, found him with-" Was all i was able to say before i began to cry once again. There was a loud knock before my sister could reply and she glanced back at me before going to the door.

I looked at the hot chocolate, now salty with tears as my sister swung the door open and yelled at whoever stood outside. "Who the hell do you think you are" the girl yelled to the person.

"Just let me talk to her" the boy said quietly as he tried to calm down the angry blonde. The voice was familiar and almost managed to stop my crying, until i remembered it was the source of my crying. I stood up on my own, my mother trying to stop me as i scrambled towards the door. When the boy saw me his eyes changed and almost made me stop, but i didn't as his apologetic face scanned my eyes.

"Ivy just listen to me please" he pleaded as i angrily stomped towards him and his annoyingly perfect self. But he wasn't perfect, he was so much worse. He was an asshole. "I don't know why I'm mad because i knew this would happen" i yelled over his voice, he seemed to agree, but he wasn't the one going through this. I pushed his chest but he didn't budge. I kept pushing and pushing until i gave up, falling into his chest as he pulled me close in a hug. "Ivy" he whispered.

James was so much worse then perfect and yet still so amazing. He was a breath of fresh air, but still made me suffocate. He was a sweet, caring boy at some times and a total bully at others. Right now he was neither. Right now he was on my bad side and my good side. I didn't know what to do so i let him hold me as i too wrapped my arms around him. "Don't talk to me you dick" i said, my face buried into his chest.

He smiled sadly and nodded, letting me hold him for several minutes. My step sister was long gone, saying she'd give us a moment. It was almost a movie scene when the snow started to drift down from the sky, blanketing my hair and the grass. I moved away from him and looked up at his eyes, searching for regret. But i didn't have to search, it was a painted on them.

"Ivy, it was a mistake" he said, shaking his head. It wasn't good enough. He wasn't good enough, or at least i was trying to convince myself he wasn't worth it. "Then why did you do it, and how is it a mistake if it was your goal all along" i said as i backed up. He stuttered and tried to find the words.

"My goal was to sleep with Lia, not hurt you" he tried to explain himself. I shook my head as the snow met my tears, falling to the ground and landing on my nose. "what do you mean sleep with her?" I asked, confused. It wasn't like i cared about Lia at this time but, he had lied.

He took a breath, "i didn't like her. It was a dare" he said, looking at me with fear. I didn't know if i should be happy or sad? He had lied but at least he didn't care about the girl. I looked down and sighed. "Okay well, I'm sure she'll tell everyone that you slept together so your dare is done, goodnight" i said. I walked back to the door and was about to close it when he stopped me and pulled me back to him.

"If you think all i care about is the dare then why would i be here" he asked, his eyes sincere while he watched me with hope. I wanted to believe him, i did. But i couldn't. "Don't worry James, this isn't the first time you've broken my heart" was my final reply before slamming the door behind me and ignoring my sister and mothers questions.

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