Chapter 4.

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Ivy's P.O.V.

If the water had already been delivered, I would have been spitting it out of my mouth. Was he asking me out? My thoughts must have traveled to my facial expression because he seemed to think  about his words and realize what he had said, "no I mean, yes, but we wouldn't actually be dating" he further explained. Well tried to at least, I was still lost and absentmindedly pinched my arm to see if I was dreaming. No not dreaming, having a nightmare.

He shook his head when I didn't say anything, "okay look, I need your help. I want you to fake date me and after about a month we will break up and you will tell Lia that I'm amazing and blah blah blah so that she'll like me" he said, at the end adding a cheesy smile. When the waitress finally brought my water it took all of my strength not to dump it out on him.

"Why would I help you" I stated, raising an eyebrow. He had never done anything for me and he had nothing against me so I couldn't see what I could get out of this. He however, seemed as if there was an obvious reward.

"You get to date me!" He shouts rather loudly. This causes me to snort rather obnoxiously. He couldn't believe that he was so great that I would pretend to date him just so that others thought I actually was. "You have got to be kidding me" I stated, but he just sat there, apparently speechless and totally serious.

I grabbed my bag and ignored the glass of water, I'd only ordered it so that it looked like I was going to get something. I stood from my seat and looked at James, "It's not happening" I muttered as I walked out of the restaurant. He ignored me and followed me out, pleading with me to just listen to him.

"That's a horrible deal" I said turning towards him. Why would I even consider that offer. Well, now that I think about it, a lot of girls would. They would do anything just to be on top of the pyramid for a month. "Okay okay, what do you want?" He asked me. he must have really needed my help because he looked like he might throw a fit if I didn't agree. Hmm, James Cassidy throwing a fit that's something I would pay to see.

That's when I had an amazing idea, one that might just make dating the devil for a month worth it. "I want to be the one to publicly break up with you" I said, a straight face even though I wanted to laugh hysterically knowing that he had no choice. His sad expression instantly turned to one of consideration has he thought about the idea. It would damage his ego quite a bit, which was exactly what he needed. Honestly, it would probably benefit him too. He reached out a hand, shaking mine and grinning, "You've got a deal Ivy Senten".


New message from Jamesxcass: Ill be there at seven tomorrow.

I read the message and fell back on my bed, ultimately hating life. After we had both shook hands, we had decided that he would pick me up at 7AM tomorrow and then we would go to the school and begin our adventure as a 'couple'. To say I was dreading tomorrow was an understatement. Basically after the month was over I would break up with him and tell Lia, a senior I knew, that he was super sweet and all but there was another guy I liked. I'd also tell her that he was great in bed (ew) and that would lead to her starting to like James. He would then ask her out and we would all live happily ever after, the end.

He seemed to actually really like Lia so I didn't have a problem with helping. Still, he's an asshole and I just hope that he doesn't hurt Lia. It's not like we're best friends or anything, but she's super nice. I looked down at my watch, it was already 7:30 PM so I walked upstairs and laid on my bed, knowing it would take me a while to get to sleep.


The next morning there was a knock on the door right after I set my tooth brush down. I walked downstairs, opened the door, and was greeted by James. Two days ago this would have seemed absolutely insane but now I just wanted the next month to fly by. I took my bag and walked towards his car without a word, I was not a morning person. I sat inside the mustang and folded my arms, thanking the lord that school was close to my house so it wasn't a long drive. When he got in the car the whole space was filled with his cologne, and I had to stop myself from loudly sniffing the air.

A few quiet and dreadful minutes later we were at the school and as soon as I got out of James Cassidy's car, everything froze. Well that's what it felt like at least. People turned and stared as he put on the best fake smile I had ever seen and grabbed my bag off my shoulder, carrying it and walking with me to my locker. I smiled back at him, not a real smile of course, and walked, letting everyone watch us closely. It was like I was being judged by every single person and the pressure was a bit scary. I'd already agreed though so I had no choice.

Looking towards my locker and leading him that way I unlocked it and stuffed my bag in. He leaned down and whispered in my ear "good job out there". I'd always wanted to be an actress anyways, what could go wrong?


Heheheh thanks everyone and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. You're going to meet some new characters tomorrow so I'll be showing the pictures at the end like usual, so stay tuned.

Shoutout to my favorite girl ever, UK Baddie (can't remember your user on here but you know who you are 😂).


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