Chapter 7.

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Ivy's P.O.V.

My mother was young when she gave birth to me. Nineteen to be exact. She was in love with my father and as far as she knew he was a great man. So she told him she was with child and what did he do? He left her without another thought. Only telling her that he was positive it wasn't his. I never met him and my mother cried day after day. She raised me by herself, refusing to re-marry, heck, she didn't even go on a date with another man.

So I shouldn't have to say I was a bit surprised when I woke to the voice of a young girl in my ear. I slowly blinked to reveal Belle, James' younger sister, whispering in front of me. "Miss, you're in my brothers bed" she said quietly. I gasped as I turned to look at the sleeping male next to me. His arm was draped over my waist and his face was buried in his pillow right beside mine. I could hear a faint snore escaping his lips, muffled by the pillowcase blocking his features. I looked back at the small girl and smiled lopsidedly, "yeah I guess I am".

I stealthily removed the arm from my side and placed it down on the bed while standing up, careful not to make any noise. Once I was up I walked out of the room, the girl in toe behind me. "Where are your parents" I asked. She seemed to frown a bit before she said "I'm not sure". I looked at the neat house, perhaps they were working. I walked towards another room, unsure of where I was going, and my eyes scanned a beautiful kitchen. The counters were marble and the refrigerator was basically the size of my car. Okay maybe that was an exaggeration. For such a normal looking house, it was very nice inside. I walked towards the stove, brushing my hands against the counters as Belle silently watched me. I smiled brightly as an idea formed in my brain.

"Feel like helping me out" I asked belle as I held up two chefs aprons that had been hanging on the cabinets.


James' P.O.V.

The unfamiliar smell of bacon drifted into my nose as I slept, eventually sitting up due to the scent. My parents were never home so it wasn't like them to make breakfast and belle was only six, so I was positive she wasn't making it. I ruffled my hair and walked to the kitchen, only to see my younger sister and Ivy Senten cooking.

Ivy Senten. A strange girl to say the least. I remembered me asking her to stay the night. I could tell that she was upset and against my own wishes I brought her to my house. After she told me what had happened I couldn't let her go home, I had to tell her that there were other guys out there, good guys. I couldn't find the words, or I just didn't want to say them so I let her stay the night and told her after she fell asleep what I thought.

Jason is an idiot.

I smiled as the barefoot girl danced around the kitchen with belle, smiling and laughing , her apron swinging around as she spoke to the younger female. "two eggs" Ivy's voice rang out. Belle opened the fridge, taking two eggs and handing them to Ivy, "Two eggs!" She replied. Ivy cracked them onto a pan and I noticed a plate of bacon next to her along with two pieces of French toast on a plate.

"Well if it isn't Cinderella and Belle" I stated as I leaned against the wall. Ivy screamed and threw an egg which hit me in the shoulder. She held her hands to her face and laughed, "oh my god I'm so sorry" she said as I grunted. Her brown hair was tangled and messy, traces of syrup were left on the apron, and she looked.... cute?

I smirked and grabbed a bag of flour, opening it and taking a handful. She gasped and belle ran out of the room, probably scared for her life. I laughed at the, now, extremely pale girl. She seemed to smirk too, taking another egg and cracking it right on top of my head. I grumbled as the girl ran, chasing after her and grabbing her and, spinning her around. Our faces were close, noses almost touching.

I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss a girl, nothing else. This was a first. I'd always wanted to just take a girls clothes off. Her pink lips in front of mine and her big chocolate eyes staring at my lifeless ones, I realized I wanted to kiss Ivy Senten. I bit my lip taking her chin in my hand and slowly leaned down to her face.


Ivy's P.O.V.

My eyes were open, a peaceful look on my face as he moved towards my lips. On the inside though I was screaming loudly. James Cassidy was leaning down to kiss me and I couldn't move to save my life. I was about to lose my first kiss to someone I hated. But if I hated him then why was I just standing here, not stopping him. I was looking at him when all of a sudden the thought of Lia Burrowed itself in my mind 'no, he likes her' I battled with myself, 'but you're dating him?' 'NO IM NOT'.

Yes I was actually having an argument with myself over whether or not I should let James Cassidy, my life long bully, kiss me. Am I really that stupid? I spoke softly, regretting my words almost immediately.

"No, I can't" I stated. He stopped himself almost frowning before smiling and backing away. All of a sudden he was holding a syrup bottle and I had the sweet maple condiment all over my arms. "Did you really think I was going to kiss you Cinderella" he said with a wink. I laughed, but for some reason I felt a bit disappointed.


After I had washed off in his shower he gave me one of his jackets and a pair of sweats, letting me borrow them. I was in his car and he was driving me home. Belle had begged me to stay but I knew I had to get home before I was in too much trouble. Turning my phone on for the first time that day I noticed several texts from my mom, shit.

I got out of the car at my house, reading the messages which were mostly just saying things along the lines of: get home now or else I'll kill you. I waved goodbye to James as he backed up and drove away. I took a deep breath and opened my door, walked inside and set my things down. "Hello?" I asked aloud. I heard noises in the living room and walked that way, eventually setting foot on the carpet. Nothing could have prepared me for who I saw there.

My mom.

A man.

And Casey Remelia.

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