Chapter 19.

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Ivy's P.O.V.

James Cassidy was an idiot, but i loved it. I smiled up at the speaker as he said my name. You could hear him switch the microphone off and then nothing. I stood from my seat, in the middle of the last class.

Many students watched me as i walked out and towards the announcement room. As i neared the tall door i watched him walk out, looking at the ground. He didn't see me until i started jogging towards him.

That smile.

My arms wrapped around his neck as i smiled back at him. He leaned down, placing his lips on mine and this time i didn't hesitate. James loved me.

"I love you too" i said, my voice quiet against his lips. I felt his smile, my eyes still closed. "I know" he whispered before placing his lips back on mine.

This was what i was waiting for. Sure, we had a bad past, but who doesn't? Everyone goes through bad times. If you don't, then how do you enjoy the good ones?

This was a good time, a perfect moment. The boy who usually sat in the announcement room leaned to peek out the door. Smiling at the sight of us kissing. The bell rang but i didn't move, neither did he. After all, he had just  announced to everyone that he loved me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a girls voice, "don't get me wrong, this is sweet. But if you hurt her again I'll rip off your testicles".

My step sister crossed her arms as she spoke to James. He nodded, leaving me confused. "My second warning" the blonde told me. I nodded as James frowned.

"I couldn't even if i wanted to" he said, looking down at me as his arms held me. I could have stayed like that, definitely. I wouldn't of moved unless i had to. The problem? I saw one last person that i hadn't taken care of. One last person i needed to confront. I pulled away, taking James hand and leading him to the girl who had destroyed my last relationship.

Don't get me wrong, it was also Jason's fault. But Samantha walker didn't HAVE to sleep with him. The brunette seemed a bit scared as i walked towards her, but i realized it wasn't me that she saw. It was Casey Remelia, my sister, who was marching right behind me.

My sister put her arm out blocking me from walking any closer to her. Samantha seemed relieved but my sister just whispered to me, "I'll take care of this".

The blonde walked towards her fake friend, a girl who must have also made her mad. It was then i realized that Casey DID care about me, because that's why she was mad. Because this girl had hurt me.

"Samantha, I'm really fucking tired of your bullshit. Not only are you a follower but your also a bitch. If you ever get close to my sister again or James then i will make sure you regret it" The blonde told the smaller girl. The girl merely nodded, Casey must have had info on her that she was afraid of. I shook my head, pitiful.

My moment was ruined by yet another bitch. Cuntface walked towards me and James, looking upset. As if she had reason to be mad, she was a fake person, so fake that she made friends and then went behind their backs. I didn't appreciate that, who would.

"Ass-went" I said, greeting the girl by messing with her last name 'Aswent'. The girl seemed to be fuming which made me laugh because it wasn't even a good joke.

None of my jokes were good, but when did that stop anyone?

"I can't believe you chose her over me" The girl said as i continued to chuckle. This was the most stereotypical scene i had ever seen. James smiled at me as i chuckled and soon enough he was laughing along with me.

"What are you laughing at!" The girl yelled, causing me and James' laughs to get even louder. She must have been fed up at that point because she walked off, angry as can be.

Eventually we stopped laughing, standing up straighter. "Is this mean girls" Casey asked as she tilted her head, watching the girl walk off. I shrugged, Hell i don't know. It was like i was the main character in some stupid romance novel.

"This is the most cliche moment of my entire life" I finally spoke up, causing James to agree with me. Casey even turned around, "can't relate, my whole life is kind of a cliche bitch kind of... thing" The girl said, unable to explain what her life reminded her of. I chuckled.

That was how the day went. That's how me and James Cassidy ended up together. But it wasn't the only hard time we would go through, it never was.

None the less, i loved him and he loved me.


Casey's P.O.V.

Do you know the feeling, the feeling of being left behind? I was happy for them, of course.

My sister and the one she loved were finally together, but i couldn't help feel jealous. Not of her and James, just of the aspect of love.

Throughout the years i had made a point to be the bitch stereotype, a girl who slept with countless teenage boys, a girl who made fun of other girls, and just an all over Regina George.

And what did i get? Nothing. It was my mistake. I should have known that being someone else doesn't grant you a path to success. I don't even know why i believed it would.

Here i stood, alone as my sister waved goodbye and walked off with James Cassidy. I smiled, but i didn't really smile. Because she was walking off and i was happy for her, but i wasn't happy for me. The late bell rang but i barely heard it as i stood, watching the couple leave the school.

I was alone again.


Don't worry! There's going to be a n extra chapter about Ivy and James, but what do you guys think of a sequel about Casey and her life?

Sorry it didn't have as many chapters as i promised but i didn't know how to drag it out and it was getting boring. I hope you enjoyed!

Xoxo, Nahty.

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