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As soon as Rajmata declared the engagement.. All began to congratulate each other feeding sweets and Khushi genuinely felt happy seeing tears of joy in her mother's eyes and satisfaction in her father's eyes..

On the other hand Arnav was feeling like strangling someone's neck and heck he doesn't even know the reason..
He always wanted Khushi to be out of his way and never even wanted her bad.. He didn't even consider their marriage a real one then he should definitely be happy seeing Khushi ready to move on in her life but why he is feeling this sudden restlessness and a killing pain.. Why is he feeling a knot in his heart?

His eyes shifted to Khushi and he saw her hugging Payal who seemed to be genuinely happy for her.. Why not? After all they are soul sisters but what he saw next threw all his senses out of the palace..

There Aman came and gave a loving and soothing side hug to Khushi and hell it was like millions of injections have been injected in his veins for Arnav.. He was damn pissed of himself and way beyond furious on Aman and Khushi..

She definitely needs a lesson.. Murmering this he left from there

On the other hand Khushi could only reciprocate Aman's hug by an auckward smile.. Aman cupped her cheeks and assured her by blinking his eyes.. Which was obviously an aww moment for everyone.. They were sure that Aman will be the perfect partner for Khushi..

However for Khushi..
For sure.. The dimensions of their relation was changing..
She was filled with feelings of auckwardness and confusion..
She desperately needed some me time..

Right at the moment.. Aman's mother called him and excusing himself he went to his mother..

Glancing at her surrounding and seeing everyone busy in celebration.. She thought to move towards terrace which was more convinent than going outside right at the moment and with that thought she headed towards terrace unknown to the fact that an obsessed lion was also heading towards his prey..

Just when she was about to open the terrace gate.. She found herself being forcefully pulled into someone's masculine arms..
She panicked and then raged as she knew this touch.. She can never forget this touch which still creates havoc in her senses..

Soon she was turned by him and they were facing each other.. Their bodies close intact and less than an inch gap between their lips

Arnav-Where do you think are going wifey?

Khushi was shocked to hear the word wifey for her by him..

I guess you enjoyed alot being into other man's arm.. He said that making her feel angry..

While being unaffected.. He continued..
But let me remind you my little thing.. You are mine and in no way I will let this marriage happen..
What did you think when you said yes for this alliance?
Don't you have any shame Khushi?
How could you agree to marry other person when you are already married to me?
This shows your class and your upbringing..

That's it.. Khushi lost her calm and gathering all of her strength she kicked him freeing herself from his iron grip and punched him so hard that Arnav felt dizzy..

For a second he was amazed.. How come a skinny girl like her have so much strength but soon enough it was replaced with extreme anger hearing her next words

Khushi-Enough of your nonsense Arnav.. I really pity that our state has a king like you..
How dare you Arnav.. How dare you to arise question on my upbringing.. And my character?

You know what?
Today I really m thankful that you don't accept our marriage.. Because being a wife of someone who is spineless and no near to be considered as a man.. is worst for a girl.. M thankful to you for not accepting me.. M lucky that m going to be someone's wife who is man enough to stand beside me.. Hold my hand and give a name to our relationship in front of the whole society