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Princess Lavanya was having a great time in her would be house.. She was being over-pampered by her mother-in-law and had started bonding with NK and Payal in just 2 days..

However.. Payal was little hesitant initially as she was kind of taking her best friend's rightly place but she knew that she has no fault in it and more over Lavanya's friendly nature was such that no one can zone out..

NK had gelled well with Lavanya from the very first day..
As they were of same age..and shared Same interests.. They were almost all the time seen together.. Talking and spending time..
He used to make her laugh.. Blush and much more and they had already began sharing greater bond..

But one person who for once even didn't try to have a normal conversation with her was her would be fiance who just asked her and family to be comfortable and ask for anything they need..
Thats it.. After that he had not even met them once and was busy with his works and looking after his subject..

Though Lavanya was impressed with his dedication towards his duty and being a girl.. She was restless too and could feel him disinterested in this relation..

It was evening and everyone had assembled in the living area for the selection of outfits for the upcoming engagement..

Rajmata had called Aman and Khushi along with their family as she had already declared that every responsibility of their marriage is hers..

Aman was already there with his and Khushi's family except for Khushi as she had an urgent work in her radio station and would be joining shortly..
All were busy in selecting the outfits and jewellery with light talks and Aman came side to call Khushi..
He had selected a very beautiful skirt and blouse and jewellery similar to her taste and wanted to gift it to her..

Enquiring about her whereabouts he cut the call and turned back only to come face to face with Rajmata

Seems like you are very excited son..

Ofcourse.. I m Rajmata.. And you know that

M happy.. But dont forget about our plan.. Just stick to it..
We need to do this..
It is only good for Arnav.. Khushi and Lavanya..

Don't worry Rajmata about anything especially Khushi.. She is under my control and I know how and when to play the cards..

Good then.. Enjoy your upcoming wedding..
Saying this she went away and someone put hands on Aman's shoulder alerting him..
He turned back only to be shocked to see Khushi..

Her face were narrowed as if she is confused about something and he just wished that she hadn't listen his little talk with Rajmata but was relaxed when she gave him a broad smile..

He reciprocated the smile followed by a quick peck on her forehead and a naughty wink while the youngsters in the hall hooted making Khushi embarrassed and Arnav red with anger who had just entered the palace after his hectic work on call of his mother..

He eyed the duo with extreme anger which didnt go unnoticed by Lavanya who had been keenly observing him from the time he came

She gave a plain smile to NK who elbowed her asking what happened and blinked her eyes saying nothing..

For the last two days.. He had not seen Khushi.. Most importantly disturbed her..
He had decided to stay from her.. Ignore her and hurt her in a way that she accepts what he wants but seems like his decision to maintain distance didn't work and it agitated him more..

Without paying any heed to anyone he stormed towards his room and Rajmata passed a dissatisfactory look in that way..

Nevertheless everyone once again indulged in the work they had gathered for and Aman dragged Khushi with him to show her the outfits and jewellery he had selected for her..

Khushi passed smiles to everyone and touched feet of the elders and sharing a friendly hug with Payal and Lavanya and headed with Aman to the couch placed on the opposite side..

Aman was showing the stuffs to Khushi but she was continuously looking towards the room on the right side of the first floor which once again came into notice of Lavanya..

She became very much curious and restless now as so many doubts had clouded her mind.. And she was in a desperate need to clear the mess out of her mind..

King Arnav came downstairs after half an hour wearing his casuals and with his own will sit beside Lavanya gaining everyone's attention..
Lavanya blushed bowing her head down again and shifted a little to give him more space and he just passed her a smirk..
Everyone was watching their little gestures towards each other and smiles were adorning their face..

Khushi also wanted to be happy for them anand also thankful that finally King had cleared his own created mess by choosing Lavanya but somehow her heart wasn't smiling.. It wasnt happy.. It was restless.. Sad.. Dull.. Thoughtful and Broken..
She was in pain deep inside her heart because no matter what.. She had dreamt about all these with Arnav.. The rituals.. The celebrations.. The relation but he had shattered it mercilessly and when she finally decided to move on.. He began his obsessive behaviour which hurt both of them..

She accepts it or not but she had always loved Arnav and had wholeheartedly accepted him as her husband..

She was feeling pain seeing Lavanya on the place she belonged to.. being Arnav's wife.. The pamperness which Lavanya was receiving from Rajmata.. The bonding she had started to share with NK and Payal.. All these.. Each and Everything was something she had dreamt of since she married Arnav at the age of 14..
Not that she envied Lavanya but it pained her seeing Lavanya receiving all those which belonged to her..
It was rightly hers but to her luck she couldn't claim it.. All thanks to the person sitting opposite to her right now who claimed her as his.. His rightful wife but couldn't accept her in front of the society..

She felt wetness on her cheeks and realised that she was crying.. Which she can't let anyone to notice..

She stood abruptly to leave but felt giddiness.. She tried to be stable but failed..

She began to swing gaining everyone's attention especially Arnav who stood being horrified but before he could reach her.. She feel on the ground with a thud much to everyone's terror and making Arnav breath shallow

He was shocked and more like traumatised holding his breath but soon coming out of the shock ran to her side shouting her name..

Khushi.. Khushi.. Wake up dammit.. Its not funny.. Saying this.. He hugged her tight sitting on the floor holding her in his lap not caring about anything or anyone at that moment because what mattered to him right at that moment was just the person lying unconscious in his arms..
while those who were present over there stood still being confused and shocked with what just happened.. From Khushi's fainting to King Arnav's vulnerable behaviour................

To be continued..

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