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Lavanya excitedly made her way towards Aarav while Khushi was still stuck to her place along with Arnav.. Certainly whatever Aarav said including addressing Khushi as Mami created an auckwardness among them and also made them remember that as promised and also as the problem regarding Shyam is solved.. They have to talk about their relationship and to be honest.. Khushi has not given it a thought for a second in these five days.. And its time for her to go back to Gupta House.. There was no more reason for her to stay in  the Palace now..

Khushi was confused while Arnav was nervous.. In no way he wanted Khushi to leave but he won't even stop her.. He won't levu any burden on her.. Apart from that his concern is regarding his mother too.. She has just learnt about Shyam's truth and she must be tensed for Payal's and in all these if she finds Khushi leaving again then it could be harmful but then again.. He is not going to budge from his decision of giving Khushi full authority in decision making..

Their chain of thoughts came to a halt when Lavanya started kissing Aarav's cheeks and he started shouting.. Arnav balanced him who was moving up and down to save himself from the kisses..

Khushi held Lavanya who was more than excited to kiss and play with Aarav while the baby had practically glued himself to Arnav..

Ofcourse.. What can you expect from a three years old kid when a lady almost jumps to him? Aarav was eyeing Lavanya with a horrified expression while Lavanya was pouting and the person who was enjoying it most was NK.. That husband of Lavanya has been her target from the beginning of her pregnancy and he is relaxed as Lavanya's attention would be on baby and he would get time to play his video games..

Definitely made for each other couple.. Cutest and Childish..

Mamu.. She tried to eat me.. Aarav said it in Arnav's ears but it was audible enough for everyone to hear including his mother.. From the time this kid was wide awake.. He was giving one after other reason for all to laugh upon.. True it is.. Kids are truly the blessing and form of God..

Lavanya pouted and said-

Haawwh.. No Chonu.. Monuu.. I was kissing you..

She then kept her hands on her glowing grown tummy and said-

Infact the baby inside me was kissing you..

Khushi hit her forehead on listening to Lavanya's excuse for getting kiss and Aarav's next words actually made everyone laugh hard and NK even fell from the sofa while Payal immediately came to his rescue..

Haawwh.. Shee Mamu.. I told you she tried to eat me.. Look.. She already ate a baby and made a balloon of it.. Look there.. Aarav said pointing towards Lavanya while Arnav didn't know either to laugh or make the kid understand..

He had seen Lavanya glaring at NK and if he dares to laugh too then along with NK today he would get her beatings too which he won't want.. Definitely not infront of a kid or his wife..

Arnav was thinking about all these when Khushi came to rescue.. She took Aarav in her arms lovingly and said-

No Aarav.. She didn't eat a baby.. God gave her a baby as gift for being a good girl.. And the baby would come soon and then you can play with it..

Aarav eyes grew wide with delight on learning this while Khushi explained further

Look.. There.. He is your NK Mamu and she is his wife.. Lavanya Mami..

Lavanya kissed him noisily leaving her lipstick mark on him while he blushed this time much to her relief..

Aarav asked to Arnav..