Chapter 3

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Seconds, hours, days, weeks, and months passed. Aston and his band mates were now half way through the X Factor, being in the last five acts to remain in the X Factor. You actually felt so proud of him, on getting this far! Tonight, you were gonna watch JLS to see your perfect boyfriend, doing what he loves the most.

[Hey, baby... I need to talk to you after this performance A xx]

[Oh hey, yeah I need to talk to you too (The first letter of your name) xx]

The reason you needed to talk to him was, after the night you and Aston had made love. You found yourself being sick every morning, have sore breasts and feeling tired a lot more of the time. Plus, you hadn’t had your period in quite some time. Then you realized, you were pregnant, even though you and Aston used protection that night, it was clear that the condom had split and now you were left with the consequence! You wasn’t going to abort the baby, you felt as though this kid had something to it, and that this kid could change your life.

As you rubbed your stomach, you smiled at the TV at the sight of Aston and his band mates doing what they love.

“WWOOO!” You cheered to the TV, but giggled afterwards, as JLS ran off stage with the biggest smiles on their faces. “That was the BEST feeling EVER!” Aston more or less screamed with excitement, like a little boy, into the camera! Just as the camera had left JLS to go back to the stage, your phone bleeped next to you.

[Hey baby, can I talk to you now? How was the performance? Am I making you proud? A xx]

He asked so many questions that it felt like he was panicking.

[Hey! Yeah we can talk now, and the performance was AMAZING! Enjoyed it so much, I started raving, haha! And you’re making me more than proud baby, the word proud is an understatement, right now! (The first letter of your name xx]

[Aww :’) glad I can make my baby girl happy, but can I call you? A xx]

[You always make me proud and happy, and of course, go ahead (The first letter of your name) xx]

It must have been about two minutes later, your phone started to ring, with Aston as the ID. “Hey,” you giggled down the phone to Aston “hey baby, I love you,” he instantly said, taking you by surprise “wow that took me by surprise... I love you too and I miss you,” you said cutely down the phone “aww baby, I miss you so much more... Wish I was with you,” he sighed. “Babe, this needs to come serious now, as I need to talk to you,” he said suddenly, as you gulped “okay,” you said quietly. “Baby, I really hate doing this over the phone, and I love you so much... I think we should break up,” he said, as you felt a pain stab through you, like you were being stabbed in the chest physically. “Why?” You asked quietly “because... I’m not gonna be there for you and you must be bored out of your head, I feel like I’m not a proper boyfriend if you are so far away from me... I just want you to live life, not be miserable inside and be lonely,” he said quietly, as you sniffled “don’t cry baby... I really hate doing this over the phone,” he sighed, “okay,” you said, just as you burst out crying “baby!” He gasped down the phone “please... Please don’t cry, I really hate doing this over the phone, I wish I was there to comfort you,” he sighed, as you tried to be strong “so... Are we done now?” You asked quietly, as he sighed “yes baby, but I PROMISE you, that we’ll get back together STRAIGHT after this show!” He said desperately “okay,” you said quietly, a little hope lightening you back up. “Did you want to talk to me?” He asked “err... No,” you lied, “I’m sure-” “No Ast, I don’t,” you interrupted him, “okay babe, I’ll see you as soon as I get out of this competition... Remember that I’ll always love you,” he said making you giggle “I love you to Ast,” “I’ll remember that,” he said quietly “night baby, never forget me,” “I won’t as long as you don’t forget me,” “I will NEVER forget you,” “bye,” “bye baby,” and with that, your conversation finished.

How were you going to cope with the stress of being a single parent now?

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