Chapter 21

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Getting lost in his puppy brown pools, you bit your lip, as your eyes came down to his lips. You could feel yourself edging closer to Aston for a kiss, although, to disturb the moment, a waiter came by. This made Aston, move quickly back to his seat, as you frowned. You were SO close, to getting one little kiss!

As you looked back up to Aston, he seemed to be embarrassed, you didn’t know what by, but you felt paranoid and felt like it was, because you made it obvious that you wanted to kiss him. Was he embarrassed that you wanted to kiss him? If so, then you knew this was gonna hurt! Although, you made eye contact with him, before flashing a smile and looking away, before sighing and rubbing your left bicep, as your arms became loosely folded, “babe... You okay?” He whispered, as you looked back over to him “yeah,” you quickly said, with a flash of a smile. “Err... Excuse me,” you said quietly, while standing up “where you going?” He asked quickly, sounding panicked “ladies,” you whispered, as he nodded his head subtly “okay babe, don’t be too long,” he winked, as you giggled, before moving off to the ladies.

Running into a cubicle, you punched the concrete wall, as you became so angry with yourself, at the fact you made yourself look like a fool of making it OBVIOUS that you wanted to kiss him! How could you have been so silly to think that he would want a kiss? Although, your punching had disturbed someone else! “Whoa...! Hello?” This female body, asked worriedly moving herself outside your cubical, although, you saw the blood drip on to the floor from your now wounded hand. The wall grazing the skin, around your knuckles, roughly and openly, making the wound big to weep. “Hello? Are you okay?” Her sweet voice asking, “yes, I’m okay thank you,” you said sweetly back “okay,” she said, but unsure, as you could tell that she had stepped back, “you sure? There seems to be blood on the floor,” she stated, with a worried tone coming back quickly to her voice. At this moment, you opened the door to see a familiar face... Jasmine!

“Hello- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” She screamed at you, seeing the open wound on your left hand, “I err... Punched the wall,” you whimpered with the pain, “why?” Her voice weak with shock “I made a HUGE fool of myself!” You frowned, with tears building up in your eye, “but we need that checked out!” Jasmine gasped, as she took hold of your left hand gently and softly as she could, to not make you suffer in anymore than you are! “Who are you with?” She asked, but this made you gulp “Aston Merrygold,” you sighed, as a big grin broke out onto her face, “aww,” she giggled “what?” You asked, suddenly your wound being forgotten in your minds “this is SO cute! You’re with Aston and I’m with Marvin... Aww, we have ourselves a little boy band dating thing going on,” she giggled, and squealed at the thought “this is adorable!” She squealed again, as you giggled “but come with me now! You need that seen to,” her voice turning stern straight away, making your smile vanish within a blink of an eye!

Jasmine’s POV:

“EXCUSE ME,” I raised my voice high, so that the WHOLE restaurant was quiet and could hear me, “is there anyone in this room that is a doctor?” I asked, before a show of five hands went up in the air.

Aston’s POV:

As I was sitting by the window, gazing out into the midnight, a female voice called for a doctor. I looked around the silent restaurant of a show of five hands had gone up. “Can you help please?” This woman asked, as (Your name) then came trailing out of the toilets, with what seemed a wide open wound on her left hand, the wound weeping and dripping with blood, like it been chewed on by a zombie! I gasped, before standing up and quickly making my way over to (Your name), although she looked at me, and her cheeks went bright red. She’d obviously done something for a reason.

“Babe, what happened?” I asked her quietly, as my left arm went over her shoulders, and my right hand allowing her left hand to rest on it, so that I could examine her hand. “I err... Hurt my hand,” she said quietly, but I gave her a sarcastic look “well, you don’t say,” I chuckled, as she giggled. “Yo! Aston,” I heard someone call me, making my attention come away from (Your name) and look up to see Marvin approach me with a beautiful girl on his arm. “Bruv, I see you got a bird,” I winked at him, as he chuckled “I see you have- Oh, my, gosh... You got (Your name)!” He gasped with shock, but looked even more worried as her hand was being attended to. “Yeah, but as soon as her hand is ready, I’m taking her home,” I sighed, as I looked at (Your name) who’s side was diagonal to me, so I could check her out while, she was standing there. “Something tells me, you’re gonna get laid tonight,” I heard Marvin whisper into my ear, as I chuckled seductively, “I hope Marvin... I really hope I do, I mean... She is smoking hot,” I whispered, as I bit my lip.

(Your name)’s POV:

After having your hand seen to, Aston had taken you out of the restaurant and drove you back round to your house.

Right now, you were sitting on your sofa with Aston putting a small bandage around your knuckles from punching the wall earlier that day. “Ouch!” You winched quietly in pain, as Aston had tugged a little harder than you expected on your wound, making you pull your hand back, “sorry baby... I err... Lost concentration,” he whispered softly, as he shuffled closer to you, as your hand had been taken further away from him “shh,” he whispered, which you found soothing and relaxing. As he was looking down your eyes couldn’t resist, but look at his lush, kissable lips, which were sitting right in front of you, teasing you because you wanted to kiss him so badly!

“There we go,” he said proud with his work of the bandage, but you didn’t take notice of that. Instead, you launched yourself quickly onto him and pressed your lips down on to his. His lips as soft as feathers, and tasted with a sweet, but minty taste, which made you fall for him. Although, your brain just clicked back into gear... What the hell are you doing?! Kissing Aston when you knew perfectly well, that he doesn’t want to kiss, especially from the way he looked back at the restaurant! Removing yourself from him, you looked at him, his face seemed full of anger and disappointment... He also seemed to have the look of shame, from having you plunge yourself onto him. “I- I- I err... I’m so sorry,” you whispered, removing yourself from the sofa and out into the kitchen. You had completely screwed everything up, between you two... Didn’t you?

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