Chapter 12

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(Your name)’s POV:

“Mummy, I wanna see daddy again!” Ivy moaned, as you were lounging on the sofa, watching the TV, “you wanna see daddy? Would you like me to see, if   I can ring him and maybe you can talk to him on the phone, because daddy would be too tired to come see you after work,” “oh,” she sighed.

Flicking through your phone contacts, you found Aston’s number before dialling the number, nervous about how your conversation was going to go. “Hello?” Asked a voice on the other side of the phone, with a silent background “hello,” you said quietly, and nervously “who is this?” Aston’s voice asked which suddenly became very stern “err... It’s (Your name),” you said quietly “oh, hello babe! Nice surprise of you ringing me, what’s wrong babe?” He asked softly, his voice welcoming confidence from you “Ivy wants a chat... She’s missing you,” you said sweetly as Ivy was giving you puppy eyes “aww, that’s sweet of her... Yo! MARVIN!” He screamed to someone, which you then heard a voice “yeah!” “Can I just have a quick chat with someone?” “Who to, your girlfriend?” This man teased, making you eyebrow raise “shut up! I don’t have a girlfriend... And she can hear this by the way,” “can she? HELLO,” someone then screamed to the phone, making you giggle “can I just talk to her?” “Yeah, go on... We’re nearly finished anyway,” “are we? Oh cool,” he chuckled.

“Hello?” Aston asked, as the background soon became silent again “yeah, still here... Ivy is still waiting,” you giggled as he chuckled “sorry, I can chat to her now... But can I have a chat with you after?” He asked “sure, wait... Ivy’s run away... IVY!” You screamed after her “yeah!” She called back “where’d you go baby?” You asked, with the phone still to your ear, as you could hear Aston chuckling “to the kitchen, I wanted a drink,” she said quietly, making herself so cute and innocent “well, you talk to daddy and I’ll get you, your drink... What was it?” You asked her “milkshake,” she said quietly “okay babe, here you go,” you said to Ivy, as you passed the phone to her, “daddy?” She asked “DADDY!” She squealed loudly afterwards, as she recognized her dad’s voice after he must have said something.

“Yes daddy... Really? Can I ask mummy though, because she may not like it... I donno... okay daddy... Daddy, when are you coming around again? Oh... Oh, but I wanna see you again... You promised! Daddy, you said you promised to... Okay... Okay daddy... Mummy! Daddy wants to talk to you,” Ivy said quietly, as she appeared in the kitchen archway “okay baby, thanks, here’s your milkshake,” you said softly, as you passed it to her “thanks mummy,” she said quietly, as she took it and went over to the dining table to do some of her colouring in books. “Hello?” You asked down the phone “hey,” Aston’s innocent voice filled your ear “I was wondering... Could I take Ivy into work tomorrow? The lads wanna see her, and you can come to, ‘cause they wanna meet you as well,” he asked innocently “yeah, when?” You asked “really? Wow, I thought I had to do some big speech... When are you two free?” He asked “tomorrow,” you suggested “great! That’s perfect! I’ll come pick you up tomorrow, as I know... You have no car!” He chuckled, as you giggled “we can-” “I’ll pick you up!” He insisted as giggled “fine! I won’t argue with you, what time you coming round?” “About nine, I have to be in work by ten,” he said, as you sighed “yeah, that’s great,” “you okay? You seem... Stressed or something,” “no... I’m fine honestly, just tired,” “want me to come over or...” He asked quietly and innocently “No, it’s okay... Unless you wanna come over,” you said quietly “only if you want me to,” “Ivy would like you to come round,” “alright, I’ll come over... When do you want me round?” “Whenever you can make it,” you said quietly “alright... I’ll pop over, and I’m bring food with me, therefore you won’t have to cook, so it’ll save you the stress as well,” he said sweetly as you smiled “thanks,” “you’re welcome babe, see you soon,” he said cheekily “yeah, see ya,” you giggled to him, before you both hung up.

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