
382 16 1

warnings: swearing

The rain got heavier and heavier, until you could barely see 2 feet ahead of you. The boy grumbled and took his backpack off, searching frantically for something. A looks of relief displayed upon his face, and he pulled out an umbrella. He zipped his pack pack up again, placing it on his back and then opened it. We stood there for a few minutes, and then he spoke, "Would you like to s-share the umbrella with me?"

It seemed as though he had plucked up a lot of courage and I was getting wet so I responded with a, "Sure." Sure, it was uncomfortable seeing as there wasn't much room (and we were squished together) but it was better then getting wetter then i already was. I checked my watch and realized I had missed the bus already so there was no point in even standing there.
"Come on, you're from Phoenix High, right?" I asked though I already knew the answer since he was wearing the uniform. "I-uh yeah!" he responded stuttering. It was as if this boy had never talked to someone before...
"Well, we've already missed the bus and I sure as hell don't want to get wet. The boys eyes lit up with shock.

"Hurry up then, we don't want to be late now do we?" I asked smirking, already walking away from him. Even though I acted confident, I was honestly lost without him. I had no idea where that school was and I would probably get kidnapped or some other weird shit. I heard his shoes clacking on the floor as he tried to catch up to me. He (luckily) guided us through the town until we were in front of the school. "Thanks dude." I chuckled while walking away.

"W-Wait!" he called out, and he scrambled to catch up. I stopped suddenly, cussing him to bump into me. His squeaky voice was honestly extremely cute, but he seemed so nervous. He played with his fingers and blushed while saying, "I-Uhm... what's yo-your name? I'm Dan-Daniel." He smiled brightly. I look at his appearance. He couldn't be more than 5'3. he was only a few inches smaller than me, but he acted so innocent, almost resembling a 5 year old.

He cleared his throat and I realized I has been staring. "Dottie." I say bluntly, I already knew where this was going. He was most likely going to ask to be my friend and then I would get stuck with another clingy friend who'll eventually leave me. That's how it always goes after all. Next thing I know I'm getting dragged by the hand towards the office. He smiles politely at the vice principal and then asks for our schedules and locker numbers. For a shy pup, he seems to move incredibly fast.

I check my locker number; 345. Daniels is 321. Looks like we're pretty far away, good. I cant stand his energy. Don't get me wrong, he's nice and all... but i'm not a morning person. I'll honestly probably be fully awake at one pm. I wonder if this school had red bull or a coffee maker. There's no fucking way i'll be able to get through the day without drinking coffee. Heavens knows, i'll probably fall asleep in class anyways. that seems like me.

i wave goodbye to daniel and walk down the halls to my locker. i feel so self conscious. i always feel as though everyone is staring at me, and they probably are. i tug down my skirt self consciously, and open my locker. i stuff my bag in there, and look at my schedule. it looks like i have history first. why won't god just kill me. i'm totally going to fail this class... why would anyone make history in the morning when most of the students are probably half-awake! just as i'm about to close my locker, i hear a big crash next to me.

"That's what you get you bitch!" A black haired werewolf calls out. a 5'6 light brown haired male werewolf is (now) sitting down against a locker. they had bruises everywhere, and a big cut along their arm. as soon as the abuser leaves, and close my locker and kneel down towards him. i hesitate, but then brush his cut with my finger tips. a weak whimper escapes from his mouth. i'm honestly surprised he's still awake. i slowly pick up the male bridal style. i hear small whimpers of pain but let's be honest here: there's literally no way for him to be touched without hurting. plus this is the fastest way.

i awkwardly waddle towards the office. once i enter the doorway i just stand there until the vice principal looks up from her papers. after a few moments, i quickly realize that she's extremely busy so asking her for directions to the nurses office would be quicker. once i get my instructions, i waddle down there. you would've thought that they would've made the nurses office closest to the front entrance, but nO tHeY jUsT hAd tO gO aNd pUt iT aLl tHe wAy iN tHe bAcK oF tHe sChOoL. i get awkard glances along with looks of symphony from students as i walk all the way to the back. it must've looked pretty weird as well. a 5'4 werewolf caring a 5'6 man all the way to the nurses office.

"why does everyone always choose to start fights on the first day of school?" the nurse groans as she paces around, checking up on multiple students. i manage to knock on the door, adjusting the unconscious male in my hands. she turns around quickly and looks extremely disheartened to find another beat-up patient. "oh great... and just when i thought i was busy enough!"

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