Beaten... Again (Repload)

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I can't believe I just deleted that chapter and now I have to repload it.... I'm so mad at myself!
-Blaze's P.O.V-
I was being beaten again. My mom was drunk and Angry. Angry about what? Who knows?! All I know is that if she's angry she has to take it out on me!
-Dottie's P.O.V-
I wake up the next morning and put on my uniform! I then style my hair and head downstairs where breakfast is awaiting me!

I devour my eggs and hop on the bus, while waiting for my stop I notice Blaze. Listening to his headphones not giving a care in the world about what anyone thinks of him.

Before I can think some more Phoenix High is right in front of me! I walk up to the school when i notice two particular werewolves talking in front of the building. I sneak up behind them and scare them.

"Boo!" I yell. "Ahhhhhh!" The both scream like little girls. "Hah! Got you both!" I say sassily putting my hands on my hips. "Whatever! We'll remember that Dottie!" Rylan responds "Ye!" Daniel adds.

We joke around, exchange phone numbers and generally have a good time until the bell rings. We than wish each other goodbye and head to our separate classes. I than look at my agenda:
8:30-9:00: Magix
9:00-10:00: History
10:00-11:30 Lunch
11:30-1:00 Free Period
1:00-2:00 Math
2:00-2:30 Gym
2:30-3:00 Music

I head down to Magix and apparently I'm early? I scan the room and see two girls, one which is drawing and another reading. I decide to go up to the one who is drawing first. "Hello! My name is Dottie!" I introduce, as she looks up I notice that she has Heterochromia Iridium just like Blaze, except her eyes are Purple and Blue. (Heterochromia Iridium is where you have two different coloured eyes)
"O-Oh! Hi, My name is Lili!" She responds. "Hey Lili! Do you know who that girl is in the back?" I ask, seeing if there was any input. "You... don't want to beat me up?" She asks hesitantly. "No? Why would I?" I ask, curious. "I'm the Omega..." She mutters just enough for me to hear it.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Trust me I would never dream of hurting you!" I say while examining her. She has long black hair fading to pastel blue with Light purple ears and tail. She was also quite short.

"Oh thank god!" She sighs. "Ya I do know Raven, she is one of my best friends, and even if I don't like to fight.... I. W.I.L.L.
K.I.L.L. Y.O.U... I.F. Y.O.U H.U.R.T. H.E.R.

She says in a scary voice. "U-Uh.. don't worry! I'm not looking to hurt anyone!" I assure her. "Oh... Ok! Good!" She replies and then goes back to drawing. I look over at Raven, examining her up and down. She has dark grey hair and yellow eyes. I then head over to 'Raven'. As soon as I reach her desk she puts down the book almost as if she knew I was coming. "Hi! My name is Dottie!" I say, introducing myself. "Hello... I'm Raven, or maybe you already knew that?..." She says hesitantly.

What the... but how? "Before you ask how, You and Lili were quite loud and ignore Lili she can be a bit........ Much." She responds. "Oh Ok! It's really Nice to meet you!" ( @EmmaRobinson046 )
Before we could talk anymore, Class has begun!

"O.K, Welcome back Class to Magix 101. Today We will be taking a tests to see how magical you are! These test will be out of 10. Let The Magix..... COMMENCE!

Name: Dottie

Question 1:  If you could have one superpower what would it be?
A: Time Travel
B: Invisibility
C: Flight
D: Mind Reading

I guess Mind Reading! That sounds pretty cool!

Question 2: If train A is leaving from Toronto at 4:30 P.M. to Saskatoon (Canada) and Train B is leaving from Saskatoon to Toronto at 6:00 A.M. What is your favourite colour?
A: Purple
B: Blue
C: Green
D: Yellow
E: Orange
F: Red
G: Brown
H: Any other colour.

I think it's pretty obvious that my favourite colour is purple!
(Pretend that there were other questions, I'm too lazy to put them there.)

"And the results are in! I'm handing back your test papers now!"
Name: Dottie     Score: 6/10
Powers: Earth, Mystic, Wind
I'm sorta surprised! I can sorta fight but I didn't think I was all the way a 6! The teacher told us that a 10/10 was a murderer
or a warrior. So, I'm sorta scared of myself!

-Bell Rings-

I'm the first one out of the door and I wait for Lili and Raven. Once we all group up I ask what they got and they give me their papers:
Name: Lili    Score: 5/10
Powers: Moon, Life, and Lightning
"Hold on" I pause, "What does Life mean?" I ask.
"I think it'll take away your score by two because it can heal people so it's less powerful." Raven says without looking up from her book which has somehow magically appeared. "It says so in my book." She than explains. "Oh, Ok!" I say in response. I then take a look at Ravens paper
Name: Raven     Score: 7/10
Powers: Death, Voodoo, Light
"What the.... I'm pretty sure you could kill someone with a power called death!" I giggle.

We laugh and joke the whole way to History which we all luckily have. We than turn to the topic of crushes.

"Ok, promise you guys won't tell?" Lili asks.
"Yes for the hundredth time, and before you do say who your crush is, what sexuality are you attracted to?" Raven asks curiously.

"I'm Straight." I say. "I'm Pan!" Lili says. (Pan is where your attracted to everyone) "Uhh... M-Me too..." Raven lies. "C'mon Raven! You can tell us the truth! We're your friends, we won't tell a soul!" Lili says. "F-Fine.. I'm Lesbian..." She mutters hiding her face in her hands too ashamed to look at us.

We than bear hug her and mutter different phrases like "We accept you" and "We still love you." And most importantly "Be proud of who you are!" Because no one should feel ashamed of who they like! They love that person and that's fine! 

"Thank you guys and who is your crush Lili? She asks. "Umm.. D-Daniel" she whispers while going a deep crimson red.

Me and Raven both squeal and Lili continues to be embarrassed....
Once they ask me about a crush I might have only one person pops into my mind and I'm not sure why, It's Blaze?

I mean... I can't have a crush on him right? No, I would NEVER EVER have a CRUSH on HIM!


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