helping hand.

362 14 4

warnings: swearing ⚠️

i sat at the nurses office- wait a minute, why was i there anyways? it's not like a cared about this stupid random stranger! or maybe i did... i'm not sure why but i feel as though he's going to be an important part of my life. rylan i think his name was. all i heard was the nurse muttering something along the lines of: "rylan... of course. he's always here."

No matter how much i would like to assume that i was one of those bad bitches that didn't care about anyone, truth is that there is actually a good person inside of me. i don't care yet i care a lot. i'm a paradox. it's weird really. not just my personality but life in general...

I sat on a stool awkwardly looking down and twiddling my thumbs. i don't really care if i get in trouble with the teacher. I was told to stay here after all. After about 2 minutes of sitting there, the nurse looked over to me. "Ah well, I suppose while you're here you might as well make yourself useful!" She stated cheerfully. "I think I have an apron in the back. Do you have a ponytail dear?"

I nodded and she smiled. She pointed towards a door and shoved me in the direction. She immediately started working again. The apron was a full body one, probably made to not get your clothes dirty. I tied my hair up in a bun. I walked out of the office and was met with a clipboard with a list of names on them. The paper listed the name, the cot number, the injury, and what to do with them. There wasn't that many, about 6 or 7. She obviously didn't except Rylan to be unconscious for a long time.

While I was helping a boy named Luke; who has just sprained his ankle, A meif'wa walked inside.

"Hello? Kawaii-Chan is here to visit Raven!"

{~}ᴹᵞ ˢᵁᴺˢᴴᴵᴺᴱ{~} ᴬ ᴰᴬᶻᴱ ᶠᴬᴺᶠᴵᶜᵀᴵᴼᴺ 💓(restarting)Where stories live. Discover now