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Prologue:: Beginning to the Heir

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Prologue:: Beginning to the Heir

Once upon a time, Long, long ago. More like twenty years ago, King Beast and Belle got married in front of 200 people-

You know what? Forget that story. This isn't the story of King Beast, Belle and his son Benjamin new proclamation. To where Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Evie, Daughter of the Evil Queen. Jay, Son of Jafar and Carlos, son of Cruella de Vil, get to go to Auradon. To where they obviously didn't complete their plan to rule Auradon but instead be good. No. I got better story for you. Not at all what this story is about but it is connected. To this person, the ex Vk's and Ben. Even Fairy Godmother and her daughter Jane. You see. You'll all see. Since this is the story of The Pumpkin Princess.


The day of her birth was the happiest day of JACK SKELLINGTON'S life. Even though he did a bad thing, he was still happy to have her as a daughter. He have decided to stay with her for a few days. He have told Sally that he got business with 'Oogie Boogie.' He looked down at his three day old daughter. Sleeping calmly into the mother of his child arms. He cracked a smile through his skeleton face. Jack was always the nice one.

He's a nice skeleton with just bad intentions. Most of the time it is usual just for Halloween...and that one time for Christmas but just because of one big mistake, it means that he is a villain. Fairy Godmother with a flick of her wrist grabbed all the villains and put them on the Isle. Only a few people in Halloween Town was taking. Jack, Oogie, Shock, Lock & Barrel even got taken to the Isle. Those are the mains from Halloween Town. With that, Fairy Godmother have banned Halloween from the United States of Auradon. It still goes by in other countries but not as much as it did in Auradon. It was a main source of halloween magic but it was drained by her.

As he looked down at the girl. It have been ten good minutes of silence before K'lynn decided to break it. "She still needs a name." K'lynn whispered down at the girl who was directly talking to Jack. Jack making himself look up with his eyeless dark circles as he just looked at K'lynn.

Jack just simply shake his head. "I thought you named her already." He spoke out to where the woman who just shake her head at him and stared at her child. She took a moment watch as the baby started to move around into her hands which quickly got Jack's attention. It took moment before stopping to see the baby's eyes have opened up for the very first time.

She was indeed looking at the girl and the skeleton. Most babies that would see Jack would cry unless they are from Halloween Town but his daughter. She did no such thing. She only stared at him to crack a small smile onto her little face. She didn't fear him because somehow she knew that the skeleton was indeed her father. Along with the dark skin woman that was holding her. She knew with out a doubt that those were her parents. It was reason why she didn't cry when she first open them.

With this noticing, he realized the colors of her eyes. She had two different colors eyes. The left eye was chocolate brown and the right was cornflower blue. It made him lean in for a better view seeing his non existing eyes went big. "My...what unique eyes you have." Jack decided to say knowing a little bit of what he wanted to call her. He waned to call her something unique such as her eyes. It made him think. He always wanted to have a daughter name Jacquetta. He wanted to name that her second daughter if he have a second daughter but a unique name shouldn't gone to waste on a if. "Her name." He started off as he looked at K'lynn who just kept staring at her daughter. "Her name should be Jacquetta." He stated.

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