Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:: Truth or Dare

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Chapter Eight:: Truth or Dare

Through out the race. Alot of people were swept off their feet. Everyone else seem tired but there was only that one person that's not. JACQUETTA still some how got enough energy to start up a car. She is not. Physical or mentally at all. She just know that she wanted to at least do something fun or exciting tonight before she gets going with the rest of her plan on Monday. If she want everything to work, she needs to get close to people. She need to tap into their deepest secrets and regrets. Through the years of training of spell casting and now able to find her newly abilities. It will cause her to have alot choas and pain through out Auradon. She want to take revenge for her people. For the people of Halloween Town. She wanted justice for her father. Even for Lock, Shock, and Barrel who for sure cause mischief to Auradon but it will suit her needs.

Jane decided to go back to her room and go to bed early. She got things to do for her mom and she had a feeling that it will take all day. She gave Carlos hug before she said good night to him.

The others was about to call it a night before Jacquetta called out. "Hey, Hey, Hey. The night is still young. Why are you all so tired?" She smiled at the group at the group who looks as if they were ready to leave as well.

"Jackie, it been a long day with all the work we been doing. Besides, light out by 10 PM. We can't stay any later." Evie answered the pumpkin princess. She watch as the princess frown. Evie knows how much she hate bedtime rules. The ones that tell you what time to go to bed and stuff. It would aggravate her and would do anything to avoid it. She looked at Jackie who her hand was out to plead to leave already. "Come on, Jackie. Let's just go to bed."

The blue haired princess pleaded her with a small light hearted smile onto her face. Jackie didn't stand for it but instead she pushed Evie hand down softly while she shakes her head. "No way. I want to do something fun." She remarked while she put her hand onto her side. She looked around before a idea popped into her head. She smirked before she looked at the group. "Wow, what if we have a game night?" With this idea, it cause Carlos and Mal to crinkle up their faces a bit. She looked around before Mal started speaking.

"Jackie, I don't know-"

Jay raised his hand before going over to Jackie. "I'm down with it." He went on being honest as he looked at group that is gathered in. He did a slight eyeroll before he looked at everyone. "Come on guys. It will be so much fun. And I think we could use a night off to have fun?" He stated it. He watch as Omar Jackin came to the mixed as he stand right next to her. She didn't say anything but look at the others.

"I'm down to do it, Jackie." Dizzy said out loud extremely happy. This made her frown for one, she didn't want Dizzy to be involved with in her scheme. For the other part, she know if Omar Jackin playing. It will not be a so called friendly game.

Jackie kneel down to her as she tiled her head. "Dizziness...Maybe you should sit this one out. If OJ want to play than it's not going to be not-so-kid-friendly game." She told her honestly as she Dizzy smile turned into a frown. She doesn't like seeing Dizzy frown like that. It gets her upset. She's like family to her. "Hey. Don't be down, little one. You can play next time, I promise? And to make it up to you. On next Monday Afternoon, we can try our first ice cream together. You and me only." She said this which made Dizzy face light up. She knows that Dizzy wanted to try ice cream since she was eight years old. The Isle was never packed with sweats. Just leftovers from the Auradon meals.

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