Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:: Man's Best Friend

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Chapter Nine:: Man's Best Friend

It was now two days from now from what happened at Enchanted Lake. The group that have attended there will be in detention for that matter. They will be most likely cleaning up around the prep but that is for Fairy Godmother to decided. Since Ben have to much stuff to do for King, he is excuse for it but will be helping someone with a few things. They never seen this side coming. All that the pumping princess can hear is beeping. It was calm and subtle but nothing to harsh. JACQUETTA have just fluttered her eyes opened as she looked around the room. She was indeed confused of what was happening. She turned her head up a little a bit to see a heart monitor. The black girl know so well that she is not in a hospital. Her family don't do hospitals. The girl tilted her head down to see it was King Ben and Fairy Godmother by her side. She rolled her eyes at them before she turned to the other side. She not mad at Ben but she doesn't want to talk to so call Godmother.

Ben turned around to Fairy Godmother with a slight nod to the head. "Fairy Godmother, give us a minute." Ben stated out. He watched nothing until she decided to leave. He watched her to make sure she is gone. Listening to the click of the door. He walked back over to the hospital bed. He sat down at the edge. He was trying to be calm but have no clue what to say.

"Are you going to say something or you going to stay there and act like a clueless pretty boy?" The girl asked before turning her head at him. She wasn't all that impressed but she appreciated the geture. Or whatever he was trying to do.

Ben laughed out before he rubbed his neck. He looked at the girl was in a gown now but their were sheets covering up to her waist. "The damages was covered by a concussion and hunger." The girl leaned up slowly before she flopped her hands down waiting for him. Ben decided to clear his throat before he continued. "I wanted to apologize for what happened." Ben pleaded out while looking down at her with his brown puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes at him before she grunted in annoyance.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't get hurt. I did this all on my own." Jackie spit out at him roughly through her teeth. She wasn't trying to act like a bitch but that was just her regular mechanism. It's like the barrier around the Isle, it keeps the villains from leaving. Jackie does the same thing with people. Try not to let people get into her head if things goes the other way. Evie and her family are the only ones that saw her without a so called game face. The moment that Evie came to the Isle and told her that she is dating a boy. It definitely brought that barrier up even for her. "And as for the hunger thing. I kinda forgot to eat for the past few days. I was to busy with dad's shop and I was just worried all around." She always hated that. People who apologizes even though they have nothing to do with it and it bother her alot.

"You got hurt on my watch and I just feel b-" Ben went to say more but he noticed the girl's gaze have scared him. His eyes kept staring into her heterochromia iridum ones. The her chocolate brown and cornflower blue eyes appeared perfectly with her dark skin. He just simply cleared his throat before continuing. "Right...uh anyway. I heard about most of the Isle kids can't swim. I asked Aaron and Omar Jackin about it. They say that they can swim just fine. Dizzy can't and I was just wondering if you want me to teach you? I'll be helping you and Dizzy." He was actually scared of what else to say because she was freaking him out about it.

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