Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:: Racing against Aaron

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Chapter Seven:: Racing against Aaron

It was something that caused a huge commotion for something so small. He didn't see this coming from all people it was from her. It could have been from Mal but it was from someone that he known for his whole life. BEN didn't see this coming. He was in his office as he was sitting down. He stared at Fairy Godmother who was looking at her very concerned. They have been in the room for over thirty minutes without saying a word. Ben finally decided to break the thin ice and speak up. "I would like to know is why." Ben is starting to sense something. He feels as if there was more to the story between Fairy Godmother and Jacquetta.

"She's a villain, Ben."

"They're all villains." Ben decided to say in a more angry tone noticing that she started to lie of her reasonings. "Why does that matter now? We are able to turn them good and that's more then enough. There's more to the story and I know it. So, tell me why you want her back on the Isle."

Fairy Godmother didn't want him to know the real reason to why she wanted her back on the Isle. There was something that her and Ben's parents did to keep her family at the Isle for a reason. She knows so well if he finds out, it will be something that he will not be happy about. "I simply think that she is not the best fit." She decided to tell a half truth to that one. She really do think that she isn't the right fit in all honesty. There is more to the story but she doesn't feel so comfortable telling him why.

"Fairy Godmother..." He stated out. He was angry or pissed at her. He just disappointed in her. She was so unrational. He didn't understand why she being like this, why would she act like this to Jacquetta and Jacquetta only. It did really get on his last nerves. "You were never like this to Mal, Evie nor Jay or Carlos. Why are you being like this to her?" Ben have asked pleading in a very sad tone. Fairy Godmother hate to see him like this but all she knows that he can't find away to possibly know now.

She stared at him for a moment before she looked down not really saying a word. "She is not her father and you must understand that." He says as he looked down to see the time. His eyes went wide as he started arranging his papers. "Fairy Godmother, we will finish this conversation tomorrow. I need to do Omar Jackin and Jacquetta's paper work for their stay at Auradon. I have to meet up with the new members of Auradon in the next twenty minutes." He decided to say as he got his pen and started writing down onto it. Fairy Godmother breathed out to be saved by his busy schedule. She got her purse before she went for the door. She was so close to out of the weird vibe in the room. She reach her hand out to the door knob. She was going for it before his voice reappeared in her ears. "Fairy Godmother?"

"Yes Ben." With what he have to say have send shivers down her spine knowing she have to find a way. Anyway to escape this conversation for tomorrow. These words have never left her mind for a long, long time.

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