Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:: Latching on Dizzy

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Chapter Four:: Latching on Dizzy

She doesn't know what have gotten into him but all she knows it was because of Uma. The sudden switch doesn't go so easily so why try so now. It doesn't make any sense. Why would Harry act so out of apportion because of Uma? She understand that he was her captain in all but it still doesn't add up. It really doesn't. While JACQUETTA tries to figure that out, she was a middle of a sword lesson with Harry. He didn't really say anything to her once she actually got there but one thing he did was throw his sword at her. The fight have just kept at by than. The sword clank together making Jackie stared at this new Harry. She knows if she bring this up or could turn into something ugly than it already is but who says it never was to began with.

Knowing her she will probably hate this but she is going to do it anyway. "Want to talk about?" She decided to speak through huffs and puffs seeing him quickly swing a sword at her ankles making her jump over it. She swing the sword back at him as it began the swift to the feet.

Harry went over board to just give her a small smile before speaking. "What is there to talk about, love?" His accent pierce threw here ears as he duck back when Jackie decided to swing at him. He tilted head before swing right back at her. Watching her hold a sword into her mouth before swinging her jacket onto a old rack. Harry knew that she ment business which cause him to take his jacket off as well.

Jackie quickly took her sword out of her mouth while keeping her eyes onto Harry. "You know about what happened at Ursula's." She spoke making Harry grunt out making him do a quick swing at her but putting herself in a guard position to where she protect herself from Harry's sword. She watched as Harry used his hook to push on it down started doing a nerve wracking laughing. Noticing this. She used her left leg to kick him off of her. She did a few swings of her sword before swiping it up. She swing her sword seeing that Harry also jumped over the sword but did a good tumble roll over to the side. Having knees squatted down making Jackie stare at him. "Harrison." She decided to call which only made him angrier.

He came back stronger as he swing the sword at her once again. The sounds of metal clamping next to each other in the most bizzar way. "That's not my name." He spoke with his lips holding m' in the last word. She rolled her eyes at the boy while they kept fighting. She swiped back at him close to his chest but she obviously missed.

Jackie wasn't sure where his head was because when she was fighting she looked as if she could have got stabbed. She spin to the left with her sword at guard. "You always kept saying the world will remember her name." Jackie spoke which started to make Harry even more pissed it was the last word he said that really got to him. "Uma." She mimicked his voice which cause her not to pay attention when Harry cut the side of her shoulder. It made her go onto her knees as she hold her shoulder with her good hand. She didn't yell but she did hiss over the pain.

Harry got down onto one knee as be decided to put the sword in his department. "You should've kept your eyes on thee sword." Harry spotted out which made Jackie glare up at him. He decided to look at her for a moment before sliding his jacket to him. He looked through his pocket to see a string and a needle. He was going to take go towards her but she push her arm away from him. He decided to us his hook to pull her injured arm towards him before he started sowing up her bleeding arm.

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