Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:: The Introduction to All

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Chapter Six:: The Introduction to All

"So, this what Auradon looks like?"

JAQUETTA decided to speak out as she looked around. This caused King Ben to stare at her with a slight tilt to the head just like a dog. She would have suspected him to do that. He is part animal. Others think that he part dog and cat but with the extra detail. There is more to tell. It was to all the pictures of his dad. He had a mane of a lion and a head of a buffalo. There was his brow of a gorilla and tusks of a wild boar. He even had legs and tail of a wolf and body of a bear. That what made him a beast. So if Jacquetta decided to call him a dog, she wouldn't be wrong. She was looking around but decided not to look at Ben yet. She didn't want him to freak out her her eyes. She turned back to him to see King Ben with the one and only Mal. It was also along the side of Fairy Godmother, Jane and some other boy. She never seen her on tv with the others but she must seem important.

"Yes, it is. It is something you wasn't suspecting?" King Ben decided to say with a smile. He was trying not to say anything that could possibly offend her or the others. So he kept it subtle. He noticed her two different colored eyes and found them extremely beautiful to look at. He didn't know how she felt about them, so he kept quiet at that.

Jackie rolled her eyes as she just shrugged. "Well, it is a bit too princess-y for my taste but it's better than nothing right." She responded back as she stared at him about it. She notice of how he was looking at her. It was for her eyes and he didn't look at her in disgust or fright. It was just calm and subtle as if it was a new born. She decided to break the ice. "Thanks."

"For bring you all to Auradon?"

She stared at him and only just shakes her head. "No." She laughed a bit before she speak out again. "About my eyes. You looked at them as if their were beautiful or...unique. Didn't look at me with disgust." She cleared things up before stepping back to be in a straight line with the others.

"Okay. Ben." Mal decided to cut in as she walked over to him. "I would like you to officially meet, Dizzy Tremaine, Daughter or Drizella Tremaine." She introduce her to Ben who went up to him and shook his hand extremely excitedly and happily.

"Hi. I am so excited to go to school here. Me. Dizzy, Daughter of Drizella Tremaine, will be able to go to school here in Auradon." She spoke in almost a high pitch with a small squeak at the end of the sentence.

He nodded a bit as he smile back at the little girl. "We happy to have you here also." He told her which made her really happy before she finally let go of hes hand. He had a huge smile onto his face.

Mal walked over to pull Ben lightly to move onto the next person. "Aaron Tawfeek, Son of Shere Khan." Ben put his hand out as he got a firm shake out of him which made him pull back.

"That's a firm grip, you got there." He decided to say as he was just being stared at. "Then again, you are half tiger." He decided to say which just made him stare. He didn't say anything to King Ben which was his eyes all on him.

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