Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:: The Light is Coming

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Chapter Eleven:: The Light is Coming

"Ow. Brain freeze."

Dizzy Tremaine told out while she used one of her hands to hold the side of her head. This only made the pumpkin princess chuckle out at the girl.

JACQUETTA SKELLINGTON is now on the verge of eating her vanilla ice cream with the daughter of Drizella Tremaine. It was twenty minutes ago that two have changed out of their clothes. Dizzy just happen to wear what seems more of Auradon school girl dress. She didn't recognized the dress which ment it is most likely made by Evie. On the other hand, Jackie is wearing a Orange Solid One-Piece with Tied Cover Up Swimwear. She happen to be wearing orange sandals. It may have been a babysit but she learned to transform it into a dress. Her twin sisters taught her that. She happen to also have one of her isle jackets on. It was her Asymmetrical White Leather Motorcycle Jacket. It was the one have light black veins that point inwards and have a big orange pumpkin on the back. Jackie also happen to have the Soul Robber onto her chest. Laying perfectly onto the girl's chest in it's orange crystal form.

This have been Jacquetta first thing on having something so cold but so sweet at the same time. It was so extravagant and it just happen to melt on her tongue. It definitely left a very good taste onto her tongue.

Dizzy happen to also have vanilla ice cream with a drizzle of chocolate syrup. Colorful sprinkles on top that haves one single Cherry on it.

Dizzy's hair was down and it was fluffed out. It showed a few of her multi-colored streaks in her hair. Most of her streaks were being covered by her fluffy natural hair. The auburn redhead was cringing out but some how let a smile peak out through her lips. "Why does it hurt to badly?"

Jackie puckered up her lips as she takes another spoon full before eating it. "Well, it's cold. So, I'm guessing your suppose to eat it slowly." Jackie told out before taking another bit out of her ice cream. She smiled out as Dizzy started laughing out. The little girl's brain freeze went away as she went and started eating again but this time slowly.

"Listen, I don't know what going on with Carlos but he we shouldn't have him around Dude right now."

Jackie happen to over hear Ben which made the dark skin princess to turn around. She saw the King with Jay on his side along with Evie and Mal on their side. She smiled out at the fact that her madness manipulation is still working out good on her behalf. She guess the enchanted water didn't work on him either. She just put a small stank face at that before turning around. Still letting herself eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I don't get it. I swear that the Enchanted Lake water would have worked on him." Mal responded out in the group. She was so sure that it would work. It did for Ben when she tried to corrupt him in his plan but it's not for Carlos. What gives? "Is there someone powerful than me in Auradon?" The purple haired witch speaks out to herself in her mind. She shook her head at the thought realizing it is not true. It can't be. Anyone that can be stronger than her is possibly a Hades or another witch she have never met before.

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