Chapter One

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Chapter One:: She's Back

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Chapter One:: She's Back

"You shouldn't always be hanging around the old shop, Jackie."

SIXTEEN YEAR OLD JACKIE heard her father spoke as she was just hanging around the cast register. A woman have came in to pay for her stuff as she was off. Running a full time business is hard and especially since it's the one thing everyone needs. Jack Skellington's Spook Shop is what it is called. It is basically where everyone get their clothes. Unlike Auradon, the Isle do celebrate Halloween since it is a time of fright and laughter. Her dad always told her that Halloween day could have been her birthday but she was one minute away from midnight. She would have been more powerful on Halloween for being the pumpkin princess and all. Her alternative honestly didn't matter. One day to celebrate her actual birthday and a day to celebrate her favorite holiday is something worth having. Needing all that power, she honestly didn't need since of the barrier was around the Isle.

Jacquetta just smile at her father before looking through out the lamp that was sitting onto the counter. "It's fine, Dad. I actually like the shop." She admitted to him with a simple shrug to the arm. She singed around from the counter to look up at her extremely tall father.

"I mean it, you should be able to hang out with your friends. Not your old man and your mother all the time. Kaeden don't even be around the shop as much as you do." Jack hinted out. He notice how she mostly be here half the times and she only go to actually do stuff on weekends or Halloween. He never understand why but he assure that she doesn't want to be like all of the villain kids.

Jacquetta looked at her dad making her do a light smile. "Yeah, so me hanging out with The Boogie Man's son okay with you?" She decided to ask to see his face look as if it turned some sort of way. She stared at her dad to see him frown which only made her chuckle. She shake her head at him knowing how he feels about to Oogie Boogie. She doesn't really consider OJ as her friend but he sure as hell does. "Thought so." She told him as she looked down at the jewelry that was in her hand. His dad was doing it up for cell for the Halloween Bash. Even though it is in four months and five days from now. Jack went to sneak onto her side just to use his hand over to steal the jewelry to raise it up high. "Hey." She yelled out not liking how he decided to do so to her.

"Take a break. Go out to Ursula shop and hang with them. I know you care about them."

Hearing the words come out of his mouth, really made her stare at him. She rolled her eyes as at him before responding so. "Sure, I talk to them but I don't think Uma really likes me. Harry is a pirate bastard who tries to be like his father so much. Gil is probably my only friend out of all of them."

Jack nodded at her a bit before putting the jewelry on the top shelf where she can't even reach it. He put his boney hands onto the counter as he stares down at her. "What about Aaron Tawfeek?"

Aaron Tawfeek also known as Shere Khan's son. Aaron wasn't really the talking type. By the looks of the way he comes into Serpent Prep, he either have a hate for the Isle or just things are worst back home like they usually are for most villain kids. Aaron when he was a cub, he would always have to find his way around the Isle on his own. He never really talk to people unless he got a rude comment to address or needed something from someone. Like everyone else, he didn't like the Isle but on the inside. He is actually a sweet hearted person who was born at the wrong place. Aaron and Jacquetta have talked here from time to time but not as much. Aaron wanted to be by himself, that's the only thing.

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