Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:: Dive Into Enchanted Lake

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Chapter Ten:: Dive Into Enchanted Lake

It have been a whole week.

It have been a week since she did the thing to her dear friend Carlos. She have made the white platinum blonde haired boy become frighten of dogs yet again. It was even through the pain and fear that was feeding off the boy everyday. Some how felt good to her. She guess that what happens when of being daughter of Jack Skellington. JACQUETTA SKELLINGTON was now leaving out her Life Skills class with Omar Jackin and Dakarai. It was the last class that they have attended for the day so she was now free. She did made a promise to Dizzy to get Ice cream so they will be doing that later. Jackie big, lucius curls is now in a puffed up and fluffed out. Showing now curls in sight but Jacket tended to like the hairstyle which have cause her to keep it fir the day. The day have been done and Omar Jackin just kept walking backward in front of the pumpkin girl while doing a small smirk. "Come on, Jackie. Can I just see it, please?"

The dark skin girl did a annoyed grunt while huffing out angrily at the begging boy. He even did his famous puppy eyes at the girl but he know that would never work for the fearless girl. She rolled her before speaking to the boy. "For the last time, you are not touching my necklace." The girl told out while the crystal rock back and forth against her chest slowly for every move she makes. The Soul Robber was still in it's orange crystal form from last time and she have been wearing everyday this whole week. There be times when the Vks try to touch it but she have to hit them away lightly. Even Evie which was something that she never thought she would do to her.

Dakarai looked at Jackie pleading before she rubbed her arm against hers. "Come on, Jackie. Just give it to him. He doing puppy dog eyes and I hate puppy dog eyes." Dakarai told out before she turned the corner to meet with pairs of lockers. She went to the second one that she came to a encounter with. She putting a code in before opening it. To Dakarai who have most of the classes with Omar Jackin know that he couldn't stop talking about it. He been all about it the whole week and she so annoyed with the whole subject already.

"Oh come on, Jackie. I'm not going to break. It looks really nice. I just want to see it."

Jackie just stared at the boy who just stared at her with his brown eyes. She leaned her body against the locker before doing a light smile. "Fine, I give to you..." The girl told out before she went to reach to her necklace. She watched OJ smile but have turned back into a frown. She decided to use her hands to fluff out her hair a bit more. She used her right hand to curve her hair behind her ear. She crossed her arms before smirking. "In your dreams." She finished out to him while Dakarai put her hand over her mouth. The girl trying to hold back the chuckle. She watch boogie's son just did a nod at her before flicker off. She touched her heart as she pretended to be heart felt. It was as if she even cared. "Aww, thank you." She chimed out at the boy who just put his hand down.

Omar went to say something else to the girl but Jackie felt a hard shove against her back. She almost fell down but she was only bend down. Omar went to catch her but she gave him a usual glare that made him stay put in place. She leaned back up to turn around. To looked down at the one and only, Audrey. The girl crossed her arms before she looked back. Dakarai took notice in this which made her close her locker to pay attention to both princesses.  Audrey stand back up before she patted herself down. Her purse was in the crescent of her right forearm while her papers was in her left. She have almost dropped her assignments from her last class but she was just glad that she wasn'tput off balance. She stuffed her papers in her bag before she sway her hair behind her ear. "Excuse me but do you mind putting that rat nest away? You blocking my view." Audrey told out in annoyance as she tried to get through.

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