Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:: Uma

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Chapter Three:: Uma

That moment is what made her smile the most. After Evie kissed her, JACQUETTA had just recently woke up seeing it was almost noon. Not really caring as she head into the shower. Her thoughts was definitely mixed up after Evie kissed on the cheek. She let her hand touch her cheek before she decided to finished washing up. As she notice he hair was close to fallen over the scrunchie she haves. She grabbed her towel that was hanging from the rack as she covered herself with it. Stepping out the tub to notice it started moving. "No. Stay." She told the tub to where it decided to settle in place. That tub used to be Lock, Shock, and Barrel bathtub but with the accidental arrangements. It was settle in the spooks house. She was about to walk out the bathroom before she practical almost yelp of her brother's appearance. Not Kaeden but her third younger brother that Jack and Sally had. She rolled her eyes as she looked at him. "Damien, I told you to stay out of my room!" She decided to yell at the sixteen year old where he was just sitting onto her bed. She would have thought that he was back at the house but no. He's here instead.

Damien stared at her older sister to see she was almost ready for the day. "Dad wanted me to come over to wake you up for the ideas for Halloween this year." Damien just smirked at her browned blue eyed sister to where she only rolled her eyes at him yet again. Damien is like the messager of the family and if she wasn't born first than he would have been the Pumpkin Prince. He still is but wouldn't have much power. He will still have his own unique ability but he wish that he would be like his half sister.

"Why he starting now? October is in four months from now."

She decided to ask but she already know the answer to that. Of course, Damien have to inform her anyway. "You know how dad is about this stuff. He want mom to get started on making the costumes too." Jackie always had a thing about making costumes with Rosie and Posie. It was the one time that people wouldn't wear the same stuff. They would even have a few people to dress like prince or princess to make fun of the Auradon kids anyway. Some would dress something more farfetched like a witch or even some crazy monsters.

"We can talk about this afternoon I need to get dress." Jackie spoke holding the towel that was wrapped around her body with one hand while she push her brother with her free one. She did a slight ruff push as he was outside the frame of the front side of the door. "Also Damien." She spoke seeing her brother turn to her with no hesititation. "Hit the showers. You stink." She sounded out her words harshly before slamming it directly into his face. 

It was a good thing that she decided to pull out her clothes before hand. She usual do this at night half the time but she been doing it in the morning lately. She decided to wear the black fitting jumpsuit that Sally had made for her for last Halloween. She have a white ferragamo belt around her hips. She decided to get her orange leather jacket that had white skull on her back. She got her black boots as she tighten the laces.

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