Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:: Joker

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Chapter Two:: Joker

She was feeling alot of things. Especially with the Vk's coming back but seeing him just made her even more angry. It only really got to her once he started following her out the shop. JACQUETTA left out the shop with her arms fully crossed. It's not that she doesn't like him but her can be annoying. What did a few days ago kinda got her a bit upset more than usual? Knowing that it was supposed to be a joke but it wasn't funny. It wasn't funny to Jackie at all. She walked further toward the Isle edge as he try to go towards her even more. Even though he was sorry for what he did but Jacquetta didn't like that joke so much. "Leave me alone, Omar." For the first time in three years, she said his real name. His first name and not his nickname. Knowing by now, she was being completely serious.

Omar just rolled as he kept following the girl. He know what he did was harsh but it was a dare that the villain kids gave to him. It was mostly from Zevon but he just did it anyway. He didn't know it will turn out that bad. He honestly thought it was a little bit funny. "Come on, Jackie. It was just a joke." Him saying those words definitely made her turn around to face him. She sees him and her face was more serious than she ever been.

If it she was person to show anger the most, it would have been Uma. She is just twice as mad over what Omar Jackin Boogie did to her. "It wasn't a joke. If it was a joke, I would have been laughing. You did not see me laughing at all, Omar, not at all." She yelped out her words as she stumped through out of the edge of the Isle as she walked onto the sides of it. She turned back around as she closed her hands in as she turn to water to see Auradon across from her. She don't understand why out of all people, Mal would come back to a place like this.

"I'm sorry, Jackie." He spoke making her rethink to few days ago over the events that went down.

It was Thursday afternoon and of course she was in the shop. Her dad ask her to go to Ursula's to get something for him. He was needed for some new material and Ursula had it ready for Sally and the twins to make. She agreed to go out. Kaedem decided to take over until she came back. She went down the old road like she would usually do. As she walked into the place. Seeing Uma serving up the seafood the customers like she usual do. She turn to me as she just shrugged her shoulders a bit. "My mom said you were coming here to pick something up." Uma responded as she walked over behind the counter to see a bag. She pulled it up onto the counter before sliding it to Jackie.

She quickly caught it as she swung the bag over my shoulders. Jackie just nodded at her before pulling it back to her side. Turning on her heels before walking out of the restaurant. She took a moment to breathe in the fresh air even though she was still close to sea than she ever been. She started to hear fight making looked down the alley near the ocean. The voice sounded familiar to her. She started walked towards the sound to see Zevon and OJ was fighting near the water. It look like it could been busted into a whole fist fight. "Hey." She yelled out to them but they did listen to her. Omar decided to shove Zevon back towards the rocks. Omar back was facing near the waters. She started walking towards them as she looked to see Zevon went back to punch OJ in the face.

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