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Lines got me in a bind
Trapped in a box with no way out
Everyone is looking up
While I'm here looking down
I'm dying inside
This pain is becoming impossible to hide
A/N If you can't tell by what I just wrote I've been feeling pretty trapped lately I seem to be stuck in this dark web of my depression because of my Grandma being deathly ill and just home BS that I'm having to deal with by myself it's hard facing real world grown up problems all on your own it's scary school is back in session for me just started my Senior year another year of being completely invisible to anyone who wasn't previously my friend but social anxiety will do that for ya but I mean I'm not okay and I know that but I've just got to believe that one day I will be and to all those out there who feel lost and stuck just hang in there guys what doesn't kill you will just make you stronger in the long run welp I have ranted enough for today peace, love and camouflage (to hide the depression)

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