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September,19,2017 2:25 AM
I lost my grandma.
She was my main supporter, she was always there for me.
My grandma saw potential for me to accomplish great things even when I didn't see the worth in myself she always did.
Grandma picked me up when I was sad, held me when I was broken, and raised me from nothing.
Grandma always cheered the loudest at all my accomplishments nothing will ever be the same without her. My grandma wasn't just my grandma she was my best friend, my confident, she was a mother to me.
In these last few months with her she'd often tell me I was more like her fourth child then her granddaughter I reflect upon that often when I'm alone.
I've screamed, I've cried, I've asked why and now I just feel numb it's the most empty and alone feeling.
Everything hurts and I'm tired but I know this is nothing compared to how I'll feel when the weight of her being gone from this world hits me fully.
The only relief to my mind is that she's no longer suffering and she's with my Papa but no amount of reassurance will stop the hurt that kind of pain stays with you and only dulls with time which there is far too little of....

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