Chapter 16 Rebirth Demise

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Smoke spilled into the room and more figures moved in. Riku and Hikari raised their Keyblades. Could it be the Organization?

"Where are they? Are they alive?!" A familiar voice yelled.

Then the smoke cleared, revealing none other than Axel. The others that had ran into the room were Roxas, Xion and Namine. Except now Roxas had two Keyblades. A dark blade and a light blade. Xion held a Keyblade that looked like Sora's. They all stood there searching the room for potential monsters, but it was clear. Namine stood behind Axel.

"Um, Axel." She said concerned.

"What, oh." He looked down to see his shoulders were on fire.

Then he patted them out like it was nothing. The door was still smoldering from the explosion.

"Yeah that happens sometimes... Okay where are these trouble making kids at?" Axel said calmly.

Riku and I stood there confused about the sudden change of events. I waved the smoke out of my face. Then he saw us standing there.

"There you are! Did ya miss me? Wasn't gone too long." Axel said putting his chakrams on his hips.

They all lowered their blades now.

"Okay Axel that's plenty. You've made a grand enough entrance now." Xion said.

"Hey, what? I just got in the moment." Axel replied.

"Hikari! Riku!" Roxas said running over to us.

I smiled. His Keyblades vanished. He stood there happy to see us.

"I'm glad you're both safe. We were a little worried that it took so long to get back to you." Roxas spoke.

The others walked over and gathered up behind him.

"We ran into some problems..." I answered.

"We did as well, there were more Nobodies in the other rooms." Xion said.

"Yeah those Nobodies are not giving us an easy time." Axel commented.

"Good news is we got our weapons back." Roxas smiled.

"Well, we did find information about the Organizations plans." Namine spoke.

"What did you find?" I questioned.

"They are looking for the thirteenth vessel... Anyone that they can convert to darkness and get their hands on." Namine answered.

"Then we need to get us, and Sora, out of this place. As far away as we can get from the Organization." I replied.

"Hikari, what happened?" Xion suddenly stepped up and looked at my face.

She touched my scars.

"Does it hurt?" Roxas asked.

"No, it doesn't matter." I answered.

"What happened when we were gone?" Axel questioned.

"What did you two go through?" Namine looked over and saw that Riku's blindfold was gone.

Riku stayed quiet.

"It's not important, what is now, is Sora." I turned around.

They looked farther in the room to see the boy lying on the floor.

"So you did it, you found him." Xion spoke.

"Finally." Namine smiled.

Roxas's smile glowed.

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