Chapter 21 Innocence Ends

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Hikari returned to her dorm after the terrible incident. I didn't speak a word of what happened to my friends. We all knew that something was already going on. But, they don't deserve to live out their last few days in fear. With thoughts clouding our minds, wondering when this disaster is going to take place. Instead, we should spend the days remaining together, in this town. While we can still enjoy the simple things.

They noticed that something was off about me, but I didn't budge or spill what I knew. I just told them that I was tired from my first mission, and went in my room to rest. Honestly, I was just worrying about the future. Is there going to be a way around this? How will it effect everyone? How will it hurt my friends?

A few days passed. When I was walking from my morning classes with Pyua, I got a letter from a fellow wielder. We stopped walking and they held out the letter.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A letter, it says it's for you." They replied.

I took it and read the front, 'From the people of Sand Dune City'.

"What is it about?" Pyua wondered, leaning in to look at the front.

"I don't know, Master Ava is the one who received the letter from your hometown." The wielder answered.

I looked to them. "Thank you." I replied.

They nodded then went off. I peeled open the top and retrieved the paper within the envelope. Pyua stepped back to let me read it. It was a handwritten letter. I skimmed over it, trying to see what it was about. It must be important, if it was from home. And it was...

When I was done reading, my hand dropped to my side. Disbelief filled me. I stared at the sidewalk.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Pyua asked me.

Then I looked up, concern filled his face.

"They're saying that... My mother has gone missing. That ever since I left to go here, she hasn't been seen for weeks." I responded.

"I'm sorry Hikari... But, there has to be a reason why she's gone." Pyua replied.

He looked at me with sympathy.

"I need to see it, for myself." I mumbled as I started to walk down the path.

"Hikari?" Pyua asked confused.

Not hearing what he had said, as I walked away leaving him behind.

"Wait." Pyua called.

I stopped and turned around. I hadn't noticed what I was doing. I was too caught up in my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Pyua." I held my head.

He walked up to me. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going home. I, need to see it." I looked away, afraid of him seeing the emotions on my face.

"Is it alright, if I come with you?" He wondered. He was looking me in the eyes. I slowly met his gaze. "It's not good to be alone right now. With what you're going through." Pyua gave me a concerned smile.

How does he understand me so well? Why is he so concerned?

"Thank you Pyua... It's alright if you come with me." I answered.

He nodded. Then I gave a smile back. Letting him know I was going to be okay. I turned and we continued to walk the rest of the way to our dorm.

I opened the door to the common room. Inside I saw Hoshi and Hato sitting on the couch with Chirithy. The four of us shared a dorm, we had a room where we could all spend time together, a kitchen, bathroom. Then an upstairs with our separate bedrooms. Hoshi was holding Chirithy above her head, pretending to make them fly while Hato was laughing and Chirithy couldn't stop giggling.

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