From the beginning

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Part One

A cold wind blew through the empty streets of castle town. It was a beautful night. An peaceful one, but if you listened carefully you could hear the laughing and shouting of villagers at Telma's bar. It was the hot spot for soldiers and villagers after a long day of work.

''Click, Clack'', a sudden noise echoed through the streets and a group of young maids appeared, while heading to the bar.

''Can't wait to get a drink''....

''Yeah today was horrible. Cleaning the throne room was exhausting'', they complained.

Quickly entering, they were greeted by the loud singing of soldiers and the smell of beer and other alcoholic drinks.

''Hello my ladies. Had a hard day? Come here i will get you a glas of wine.'', Telma said excited and put some glasses on an empty table. The young maids took a seat and waited for the cold liquid of heaven, which sure would ease the pain in their feets.

''Why did we have to clean the throne room anyway?'', one maid started and sighed deeply.

''You didn't know? Tomorrow comes a special guest. Guess who?'', one answered and hid her red cheeks with her hands, while squealing slightly.

''No way, is it him? After such a long time?''

''Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! Can't wait to see him. I will wear my best dress and he will see me in the crowd and fall in love with me, because of my beauty and then i will become his wife and make him happy!'' one maid jumped onto her seat and looked down to the others to make her speech more serious.

''Ladies! Calm down! What's going on?.'', Telma came with a bottle of wine and took a seat as well. She loved gossip and she felt that they were speaking of something big.

''Telma! Dark Link is coming tomorrow after years! I heard he has to discuss some news with the princess! He was gone for so long...only heard bad things about him..but still he is sooo handsome'', the maids started to fangirl, while blushing madly.

''You mean he is dangerous.'', Telma said coldly, feeling quite nervous of thinking about him.

''Come on Telma. Yeah he is a soldier of Ganondorf's army now, but he is just so charming and his appearance. Maybe he will fall in love with me''

''Or with me''

''No with me'', the other maid interrupted.

For Telma it was a bit difficult to follow.

''...and he will change.'', they finished in unison and she couldn't but had to smile softly of their childish behavior.

''HA HA HA....young girls these days. I love the fire in your hearts. Maybe i should tell you that i know him for a long time now. The great Dark Link. Now evil counterpart of our hero Link. Same looks, but different hearts...''

''Yeah we know this Telma. You see, we are big fans of him. Link is also very sweet, but the bad boy type is more interesting'', one maid explained.

They started to squeal and giggle, while Telma let out a heavy sigh.

''You know i think your plan will not work ladies..'', she started seriously.

''What? Why?'', they shouted in unison and caught Telma's hands, squeezing them tightly of the shock.

''Calm down. I just mean....You don't know the story of the broken knight? His story? Of Dark Link?'' she asked uneasy.

''Oh my god. There is a whole story of him? And you know it! Tell us everything. We want to know!!!'', they shouted.

''But you will not like it. It's the painful truth of his life and why he is that person, he is now. Such a poor boy..'', Telma told them in a motherly tone.

''Come on. We have to know. We are fans and future wifes of him!''

''Ha...Ha..Ha..Okay ladies, you sit comfortable? I will tell you the story of the allmighty Dark Link. His secrets, his deepest desires, his reason why he don't give up. I know everything and i will let you know too.'', Telma started with a bitter smile.

The story of a broken knight Dark Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now