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Sweet Damien. Even if he scares the living crap out of me, he really cares about me and my well being. Since the, for lack of a better word; breakdown, Damien has stuck next to me. Even more so than before.

He never leaves my side, if something is so important that he must have a meeting or anything like that, he simply brings me with him. Originally, he tried to set me in his lap, but come on man, there are people here. There was one time, he brought me to one of his meetings with this big group of large men, the topic was apparently not appropriate for me because Damien out earbuds in my ears and told me to fall asleep listening to it. Slept like a bear.

What woke me up was less than comforting. My face rested against the cool wooden table until it suddenly jerked to the side. I jumped awake and ripped the earbuds out. I looked up to see one of the bigger men, his chest rising and falling angrily. His eyes shown pure hatred as he stared at Damien. Damien didn't back down, though. His entire body screamed defiance as he held the man's gaze. A horrific growl that made me want to dig a hole and die there left the angry man. With that as the only thing I heard from him, he left.

With a sharp puff, Damien turned to me and grabbed my hand. He briskly brushed past anyone who dared to get in his way as he led me down the hall. Twist after turn we made it to our room. He slammed the door shut, grabbed my shoulders, and shoved his face into my neck. I stood stock still, afraid of making him angry if I moved.

My stillness didn't last long. My trembling was met with him wrapping his arms around me. An almost... Desperate growl rolled from him. A voice holding so much frustration and anger whispered, "He won't listen. He wants to make a giant pack, combining mine and his. No one would agree to that. He wants to get big enough to where no one would question him. He's power hungry." Damien took a big breath, calming himself significantly, "And then he had the audacity to threaten me. He said that he'd use whatever means necessary. He had the nerve to look at you!"

I couldn't control it, the absolute shivering that overtook my body. My teeth chattered and my legs threatened to give out. I remembered the look in his eye. That man wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

"He won't touch you." With one large inhale through his nose, Damien pulled back to look at me, a ferocious glow illuminated his eyes. "He touches you, he dies."

Damien has left the building folks, let's all say hi to Jax.

In one swift move, I was carried to the bed. He smothered me with his body, covering mine completely with his own. "You are mine! He won't touch what's mine." With his nose in my neck his next words rang with horrifying honesty, "I will make you mine. He can't take what's mine."

I felt something I didn't recognize press sharply against my throat. Was he going to stab me? "D-Damien, w-w-what are you doing?" He didn't say anything, I felt more pressure on the thing against my throat, I felt two of the now. "Jax, if it's you, please don't hurt me. Don't please."

He didn't listen.

He stabbed me. He stabbed my throat. Hot, searing pain radiated through me. A pulsating heat that made me scream in pain. I writhed in agony as he pinned me down. Another cry left me when the sharp objects didn't relent. It stayed embedded in my neck without mercy. "LET ME GO!" The comforting and sweet Damien I'd come to trust didn't exist. It was all a ruse, his end game all along was to hurt me.

With pain, both physical and emotional raging through me, I passed out. I welcomed the darkness as a temporary escape. Escape from the deception I felt.

I didn't want to wake up. My one and only desire was to stay ignorant. Blissful ignorance that comes with sleep. No idea of the world, no idea of the state that your own body is in. Happiness is fleeting. All good things must come to an end.

I awoke to pain. A throbbing that racked through my entire being. I felt it in the depths of my soul. I rolled over the slightest bit and cried out at the pain that coursed through me. I felt gentle hands on me, "Oh it's okay, you'll feel all better in a few days."

He's still here. He's touching me. No, make him stop! I flinched away when his fingers trailed from my face to the edge of my chin and down my jaw. He noticed and pulled away before he could touch my wound. "I know it hurt but everything's better this way. No one can take you from me now." He seemed so proud of himself. No remorse whatsoever.

I looked up and was horrified by the smile on his face, "No, get away from me." His eyebrows furrowed as he went to stroke my forehead, "Don't touch me! Get away. Help! Someone help me!" I screamed and cried, ignoring the pulsating pain the crashed through me with every movement.

He backed away slowly. His eyes were so hurt and concerned, "Why are... You don't think I meant to hurt you? No, no, no. Adriana, I marked you, now everyone knows that you're mine. You don't need to be afraid. I love you. You're mine." As he finished he had backed to the opposite side of the room.

I stared at him, only further petrified at him by the fact that he saw no wrong. He was proud if himself. "Please leave. Just stay away from me."

Hiya. Look at you guys, reading and voting and stuff. Making me smile, that's definitely what you're doing.

But I'm kind of proud of myself, two chapters so close together. I'm going to be on the road for the next SEVERAL hours so comment and vote, strike up a conversation with me if you want. Anytime actually, I love you guys. Anyway I'mma go, hope youre liking this book.

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