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I froze. I almost felt the color drain from me. Don't get me wrong, I trusted his wolf yet... It wasn't long ago I was asking Damien to show me Jax. Now here I am, with a man who is not my mate, in the same situation.

My mark yearned to see him, though. Rut, all the emotions that have been developing swelled and begged to see this kind, protective wolf.

With strained muscles, my head involuntarily nodded. His face showed skepticism yet he couldn't hide how eager he was. He gently placed his hand in mine and lead me outside.

Instead of staying in the yard he walked with me into the woods surrounding the house. I never got the chance to admire this house, it's size of course being impressive but the state of the yard and greenery also caught my eye. Ross squeezed my hand to pull my attention back to him, he was obviously very eager to show me Rut. I could almost imagine his wolf yipping in his head and bounding around in joy.

About 400 yards into the woods was a clearing; not a grassy meadow, but a break in the trees. Fallen logs and pine needles decorated the space. Small branches and the little saplings of trees reminders that nature is always growing. I scanned trees, surveying which ones would be easiest to climb. A childhood habit I doubt I'll ever grow out of. Trees are my home.

Ross tugged at my hands and led to a dry, newly fallen tree to the right of the area. He placed me on the log and sat beside me. "You have no idea how happy I am. I know you're not my mate, I know that this is still hard for you, but sweet, sweet Adriana. I've never been this happy. I will never have this feeling with anyone else. This ache to hold you, this longing to protect you and make you happy. I've never had it before. I've never been like this before. My wolf has chosen you," he paused to breath, never breaking eye contact, "I promise you, Rut and I will never hurt you. We we're scared last night. It was a dream, and... You were taken away from me. I couldn't get you back and it made us scared. So, so scared. I guess in the heat of our emotions we did a partial shift and... Because I was clinging to you, desperate to keep you here with me. You were cut." His voice trails off as his speech ends. He has each of my hands enclosed in his. His thumbs tracing up and down my skin.

Let Rut show you how much you mean to us, baby girl. Please know we will always protect you," he stood and placed a kiss on the top of my head. I didn't have time to think of a response because the next thing I knew he was disappearing into the trees. He returned as a wolf. A dark wolf, midnight in color. A small yet distinct patch of gray was placed on his powerful right shoulder. His golden eyes captured me. Enslaved me. I belong to those eyes. This wolf.

Ross gracefully made his way over, his head straight and tall, his whole body language demanding authority. When he got to where I was seated he slowly laid down and put his head in my lap. I was confused, I don't know what I was expecting. Definitely not this. His eyes closed and I swear I heard a purr leave him. His head nuzzled into me as I petted his forehead and scratched his ears.

He picked his head up and sniffed my mark. A growl of approval hummed through him. He laid his head in my lap again and seemed all too pleased by the scent that drifted from me. I nudged his head off of me and got up to stretch my legs put, he has a very heavy head. I placed a few steps and stopped to look at the wolf that marked me. His eyes never left me as he curiously watched me. So I walked back and motioned him to stand, he did as I suggested. I stroked my hand up and down his side, feeling his breathes beneath my fingers. Loving the way his muscles would convulse as I touched them.

He nipped and lapped at my hand before he wrapped his body around mine. He kept our bodies touching as he did a loop or two around me. He then put his head in my side with sigh of content leaving him. I leaned my weight on him and closed my eyes, feeling the forest air on my face and having his body heat soothe me. It put me into a dreamlike state.

All of a sudden, Rut bent and squirmed his way to where I was sitting on his massive, muscular back. Out of reflex I gripped the fur on his shoulders as he took off. My brain went into overdrive, I leaned forward and hung on for dear life. With my luck I'd fall off and die. I laid flat on his back and focused on my breathing.

After turn after turn I felt my stomach in my throat. I quickly started hitting Rut's side, "Stop.

He did. Very abruptly. I rolled over his head and into the pine needle floor below us. I didn't even laugh at it, I was too busy rolling over trying to stop myself from puking. I heaved a few times and did end up emptying my stomach. I groaned when I felt Rut rub against me. Great job, puking in front of the wolf that seems to be crazy for you.

A stood and walked away from the scene I sat back down and leaned against a solid tree. Rut followed me calmly, he placed himself snugly in my side and stared you at me. He looked slightly apologetic, mostly just amused. I stared at him and rubbed his ears happily.

And then I stopped. Tears sprung to my eyes. A growl was heard, a growl I new very well. A wolf barreled into the opening.


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