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Damien's POV

Too long. God only knows how long it's been, the days blurred together and my wolf was clawing my eyes out to go to her. It was starting to fade now. It still hurt, felt like I was on fire, but I could leave now. I could make it to her.

I grit my teeth and picked myself off the floor, I spent so much time there. Laying on the floor thinking of all the ways to get my mate back in my arms.  No one's allowed to take her from me. She's mine.

I barreled through the house, shoving into any of male pack members that were milling about. I had all of the females stay a hundred yards away while I battled my heat. As an Alpha things involved with mates are funky, the heat, the marking, the mindlink. All of it is messed up. My poor mate, this has been so hard for her.

I just want her back. I want her with me, where I can smell her, feel her heart beat, listen to her breathing. I want her safe, tucked away where no one else can ever lay a finger on her. By God, I'll kill that lowlife of an alpha if he hurt her. I'll destroy him, his whole pack if I have to. She does not deserve to be taken away from me.

As soon as my foot touched the yard outside of the house Jax burst from my body. Using a bond only he had he let his instincts lead him without a second thought. Rocketing through the forest, around trees, straight to Ross's land. That's when I smelled her, I smelled from miles away but it was her. It was my mate.

My legs pushed forward, bounding over logs and rocks with an impossible speed. I've been running for so long now. Over an hour most likely, but fatigue wasn't even crossing my mind. All I thought about was her, all I could feel was her, see her, hear her, smell her. It was all her. She is mine.

When my paws hit the clearing the world stopped. She wasn't hurt. She was beautiful. Her face held a smile and when she looked at me total shock rolled over her. My beautiful mate, tears sprung to her eyes, "Jax." She barely whispered it but I heard it loud and clear.

A growl made me realize someone else was there. I saw red. That filthy alpha was curled around her, acting as if he belonged there. He wasn't worthy to breath the same air as her. My tail lifted and I barred my teeth, I stood tall and proud ready to force him away from my mate. My girl.

He positioned himself in front of her. Attempting to keep me away from what's mine. I stalked forward slowly counting the breaths that escaped me. I was so close, so very close. There's no way he can keep me from her. My mate stood not 50 feet away from me, I'll go through any piece of crap to get to her.

With that in mind I barreled forward. Teeth barred and ready to kill. I lunged at that alpha, he slid to the side and used his shoulders to deflect me away. I rolled to the side and readied myself to attack him again. I saw Adriana sprawling up a tree. I stopped what I was doing to make sure she made it up there without falling. She wasn't the most graceful person.

Ross barreled into my side, I went flying to the left, I rolled and slid a few more feet. I rolled myself onto my paws and growled again I began to run at him, before I heard something. Time slowed down, my heart stopped beating, my eyes darted to her. Her branch broke, she now dangled over ground. Her legs flailed and her breaths were rough and irregular.

I shoved through Ross, throwing him into a nearby tree. All I could see was her. She trembled, one arm slipped she tried so hard to get it back up to the branch. The more she squirmed the more her grip would loosen. Tears were rushing out of her eyes, I watched it happen, she slipped. She fell.

With speed only the fastest alphas could dream about I ran. I ran. I ran. I ran. She fell. She fell. She fell.

I was there, another step, just one more stride. She was so close to the ground, just. A little. Closer. I had her. With an oomph she collapsed on top of me. My paws crumbled under the force, my ribs cried out as body landed with enough force to put a crack in cement. I squirmed to face her, her body shook with each ragged breathe. She was unconscious, I was scared out of my mind. Broken ribs? Spinal damage? Brain damage?

I crawled and put her body over mine. I gently used my teeth to hold her arms around my neck as I ran. I ran just like I did on my way to her, except now. I was running for her. To save her. On the way to her I worried she was injured, but now she is. She could die.

I was careful to not hurt her with my grip in her wrists, but I still left bite marks on her. Good, she needs to be marked by me again. I'll do it differently this time. I'll make sure she's ready, I'll ask, I'll wait, I'll care for her. My possessiveness can be put to the side. She is all that matters, her desires are all I care for. I'm the scum of the Earth for what I did to her, but I will make it up. I will make her happy to be with me again. I'll give her the life she deserves.

I made it back to the pack house, I through her on the couch and linked to a guy in the pack who happened to be a doctor. I told him to get his butt here before I could sneeze and he did. He busted through the door and I shifted back to my human form. Jax was still in control, as he was worried up a pole about her.

The doctor looked back to me, "It's bad."

Hellllllooooooooo... Whatcha thinking? I've been playing around with different covers so if it keeps changing my bad.

Besides that though I've done a lot of thinking about the plot of this story and I'm REALLY happy with where it's heading. I hope you stick around to see for yourself.

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