No More Crying

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Damien's POV

She hates me. 'Mate... hates us...Fix it! Help Mate!' Jax whined and cried, he couldn't handle seeing her in pain. I couldn't think long enough to decide how to help her. I couldn't get over the fact that my mate is in pain, because of me.

Jax's demands got louder and louder until he was fed up with me not doing anything. His protective instincts were in overdrive now that her wolf was gone. In his eyes, his mate was vulnerable now. He took control of my body and grabbed her.

He pressed her body into mine, "Mate, don't cry. Jax make all better." Her body shook as she tried to control her crying. Jax whimpered and laid down snuggling her even tighter, "Jax make all better. Take care of Mate. Mate will be happy. Jax make Mate happy." He carefully covered her body with his own, careful not to smother her.

As her sniffles and sobs calmed so did Jax, he slowly relinquished control back to me, I had no intention of letting go, though. I kept my body pressed to hers, revelling in the feeling of her small body completely covered by my own. I almost purred like a kitten when her tiny hand grazed over my chest muscles. She smiled slightly when she felt my body involuntarily stiffen and flex where she touched.

Relief ran me over like a truck when she smiled. I leaned down and used the pad of my thumb to wipe away her tear stains. "No more crying, I'll take care of you." It was evident by the look in her eye that she wasn't sure if she was still upset or if she was happy.

I wouldn't give her a chance to be upset. I grabbed her shoulders and flipped us around so that she was sitting in my lap. I pulled her close and dug my nose into her neck. She shuddered, if that was from fear, or from the pleasure of being so close to her mate, I don't know. But I'd like to choose the latter.

Adriana tilted her nose towards my neck as well. I felt her breath on me as she whispered, "What do I do without her? Darcy's all I had for so long. No else is there for me, I'm all alone again."

"No, no, no. I promise you'll never be alone. Not while I'm alive. But why were you alone in the first place? No family or friends?"

'Wrong time. Wrong question. Good job, stupid.'

Her shoulders slumped, her body curving around itself. She took a breath and stared at her lap, "I-I was raised in the woods, Mom and Dad died about seven months ago. I honestly didn't know there were other wolves out there. Dad only ever met one or two and Mom was a human before Dad came along. Dad only knew his wolfie knowledge from his wolf. No one ever told him anything," she took a deep breath and raised her head slowly, "but they told me they didn't always live in the woods. When they were young they both had houses, but after Mom found out about her and Dad being mates Mom's brother jacked with their lives 'cause he never liked Mom or Dad. He started to threaten them so they left and lived in the forest far from their home. That's where they had me and raised me. That's why I'm all alone..." she trailed off. She wasn't going to say anymore, but that's fine. I know enough for now.

"I've got you now. I'll take care of you, always." I promised her with every ounce of my soul. I've seen mates together all of my life. I envied it, but I also didn't understand it. It's as if you just snap and they're instantly head over heels for each other. I get it now, an uncontrollable desire to care for her, only strengthened by the realization that me and her were destined to be together for the rest of our lives.

I shoved her against me again, feeling every curve of her pressed aginst the ridges of me. I couldn't think of anything besides the girl in my lap. Ridiculous how I just found her, I've barely spoken to her, and here I am, unable to clear my head of anything other than her.

She warmed my heart when her tiny, little arms wrapped around my torso. She snuggled into my chest as a small sigh slipped from her, "I-I'm weak now. Without Darcy I'm nothing special. I can't shift, I can't do anything, I'm not a werewolf anymore. Even Mom was able to shift after she found Dad, she was human. I can't do anything!"

My poor mate was growing more and more upset, "No, no, no, no! You're so perfect, wolf or not you're perfect. You still are a werewolf, and you'll still be a great luna. This won't stop you, you'll be able to get through this. This is just a stepping stone in our lives. It'll take time, but eventually this will be the past. You and I will have this far behind us, the rest of our lives is still to come. I'll take care of you... please just, let me care for you."

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