Haruhi x Reader

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You were walking down the halls of Ouran to your usual club when you saw a familiar face walk past you. A quick flashback whipped through your mind, making you stop in your tracks. When you turned back, you saw the girl from your middle school; the commoner. The both of you had arrived at the fancy high school around the same time and in the same way; through a scholarship. But, instead of blatantly going to the school as a poor person, you had created a fake back story to cover up the truth. It had been going fairly well since you had all of your odd jobs to pay the fees that you had to pay. But seeing her face again made you smile as you thought about all of the great memories you two had together. By the time you came back to reality, you saw her turning into a music room. Wasn't that the host club? With a shrug, you pushed the thought away and went into your own club. But she was the only thing on your mind for the duration of the time. After the club finished, you waited around for the girl and smiled when you saw her.
"Hey, Haruhi. Long time no see." You friendly greeted her, rustling her hair. She looked up at you with her round eyes, which widened at the sight of her friend.
"(F/N)! Fancy seeing you here. How have you been doing?" The girl asked curiously.
"Great now that I've seen my favorite person." You teased lightly. She chuckled softly under her breath as you put your arm around her. "Hey, Haruhi."
"Yeah?" The wind softly blew her hair off to the side. Stopping in the middle of the hallway, you faced her with a confident smile.
"If you're not busy, do you want to go to the fair with me next week? Like as a date, not just us hanging out." You added the last sentence just to get through her dense bubble. Without a moment of hesitation, Haruhi nodded.
"Sure, why not? I've been wanting to go anyways." You chuckled and rustled her hair playfully before putting your arm around her.
"God, you're adorable."

A week had passed and it was finally the day of the date. It wasn't anything big, just a simple day at the local fair, at least that was what you told yourself. Since you weren't one of the wealthiest people in the world, you didn't have the money to rent an expensive car to pick up Haruhi, but you doubted that she would mind. If she did, hopefully the fancy tuna that you would buy her for dinner would make up for it. You walked to her home, rehearsing what you were going to say on the way there. After you arrived, you knocked three times on the door. A few seconds later, Haruhi opened the door, exposing her very feminine clothes to you. You didn't expect her to wear a sundress and wear a bit of jewelry, but you couldn't deny that she looked beautiful.
"Wow, Haruhi. You never fail to surprise me." You smiled as she stepped out of her house.
"Dad wouldn't let me go out in shorts." Haruhi sighed, looking back at what seemed like an empty living room.
"You look beautiful in that." You replied, intertwining your fingers with hers as you went down the stairs. "So, what do you want to do first at the fair?" When you asked the question, Haruhi's eyes lit up and she turned her head to face you.
"Let's try out all of the food first. They're a lot cheaper here than at the supermarket."
"Sounds good. I'm pretty hungry too. Thanks for coming with me." You brought Haruhi closer to your body.
"Pleasure's all mine." She responded, putting her head on your shoulder.

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