Honey x College!Reader

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After the four years of hanging around in the Host Club, you were sad to have to let everything go for the sake of college. Of course, the one you favored the most, Honey-senpai, had already gone to college. But, you had no idea which college he was attending. After Honey left the high school, all contact seemed to fade away slowly, but even after all this time you could never forget about the cute lolita blonde that always kept a smile on your face. You got in the black car, waving a farewell to the club. You arrived at your house and said your final good byes to your parents before heading out to the campus. On the drive there, you scrolled through your gallery and stopped at a specific picture. It was one that was taken by Kyoya's hidden security cameras, but Kyoya sent it to you for free. It wasn't clear, but you could make out the details. It was when the blonde boy was in his tropical outfit and how you were teasingly holding Usa - chan away from him. His glimmering eyes and your grin was captured perfectly in the scene. You let out a sigh and locked your phone when you arrived at the university. You stepped out and was helping the chauffeur take all your luggage out of the trunk when you heard a familiar laugh in the distance. Your ears perked up, not believing what you were hearing. You looked around, but didn't see the energetic boy you were looking for and shook your head. I must be hearing things. You took a suitcase and rolled it towards your dorm, wanting to get unpacked right away. But before you could step foot into the girl's dorm, you heard the friendly and excited voice calling your name.
"Takashi, look! It's (F/N)- chan from Ouran!" He shouted before tackle hugging you to the ground. Your wide eyes remained in place as you saw the blonde smile with glee. "(F/N)- chan, do you remember me?" He giggled. You were shocked but filled with bliss at the reunion. Eyes brimmed with tears, you tightly hugged Honey with all your might.
"I missed you so much." You whispered as you pulled back and examined his features. His bright brown eyes and floppy blonde hair all remained the same, but there was a more mature element to his look. You just couldn't figure out what.
"I'm so glad we're going to school together again! We can eat cake and study together! Right, Takashi?" Honey looked up at the silent brunette, who nodded curtly in response. "And after everything, we can have that sleep over we were talking about before when we were all together~" Honey added simply. Your face reddened at the comment and you shook your head in denial.
"Honey- senpai, we can't do that here!" You whispered as loud as you could, not wanting any by passers to hear the conversation.
"Why not? We're all adults now, right?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. He was still as innocent as he was before. "Besides, I heard that you liked me. I thought you'd like something of the sort." He finished with what you swear you saw was a smirk. He then helped you stand up and dragged you all over the campus telling you all of the things that you two would do together. And of course, with Mori following closely behind.

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