Haruhi x Reader

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The buzz around school was that Haruhi was in the host club now. You never thought about going to the host club until now. It would be interesting to meet up with "male" Haruhi for the first time. It wasn't that you had keen eyes or senses. To you, Haruhi just didn't seem to be masculine at all. Besides, there was that lack of Adam's apple that completely gave her away as well. You chuckle to yourself as you stood in front of the door. You open it wide to see the host club was fully in action; customers at every station. You give a brief nod to Kyoya, an acquaintance of yours. Although your heart was racing, you walk nonchalantly over to where Haruhi is. When you sit down in a seat, she gives you a tired smile.

"(F/N)- chan! I didn't think that I'd see you here." Haruhi greets you in a friendly manner. The other girls at the table give you some looks, but you just choose to ignore it. Even though you knew that Haruhi wasn't a boy, it still didn't stop your attraction towards the intelligent, yet dense, female.

"I'll meet with you after the club, okay?" You give her a pat on the head, then head over to Kyoya, who seemed to shoo off all of his customers away.

"You're lucky Haruhi's so dense." Kyoya states without looking up from his laptop. "Or else she would have figured it out by now."

"Shut up." You mutter, looking at her direction. You feel your hands gripping the arm rest tightly when the girls were flirting with your crush. "I would rather have the other girls know that she's a girl, not some boy they can crawl all over." A chuckle from Kyoya angers you even more. "What's so funny?" You ask him with a glare.

"Nothing. It's just interesting to watch you fawn over someone who you may not even have a chance with." Kyoya admits with a shrug. You click your tongue in annoyance and was glad that the club was finally over. You wait for everyone, except the members, to leave until approaching Haruhi.

"Hey, how was it?" You ask her with a bright smile. Her slightly messed up hair gave her a sexy look that Haruhi probably didn't even know she had.

"Could have been worse." Haruhi replies, stretching her arms. "You said you wanted to meet up with me after the club? What did you want to talk about?" Haruhi asked. The moment was finally here.

"It's actually kind of private." You whisper, but it seemed that from the small devilish giggles you heard, the Hitachiin twins heard you .

"Sure, let's go outside then." She suggests, holding the door for you. A light pink blush appears on your cheeks, and you thank her.

"Haruhi, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while." You gulp, building the suspense. "I... I like you." You look at her, looking for a trace of reaction on her blank face.

"Oh, well, I like you too." She replies with a small smile. You sigh and shake your head. She truly was dense. But, it was one of the traits that you adored.

"Haruhi... I mean as in more than friends." Your eyes flicker from her round brown eyes to her soft looking lips. "In a romantic way." You say before closing the distance between the two of you.

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