Chapter 16: Date with the Devil Part 2

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After entering the lift Ayan pressed the button of a pool and lift took us to the top floor which was a pool terrace. And to my surprise, it was decorated beautifully with flowers. Since it was day time, the sun light was enough with a lot of flowers around to provide a soothing and calming ambiance to the place. Had it not been the situation in which I was at that time, I would have fallen in love with the person who did this decoration. But right now, I was too scared to even praise the decorations. Ayan intertwined our hands and led me to a small table kept near the pool and extended a chair for me to sit, his gentlemen like gestures were showing his bipolar nature, one moment, he was so threatening, and other moment he was behaving like a true boyfriend.

We sat facing each other on that table. His eyes were on me and my eyes were on my lap. I didn't know what to say and where to look. I was not in a condition of taking decisions on my own. My mind refused to process anything and just one thought which was roaming in my mind was to leave as early as possible. 

"So, how have you been?" Ayan said so coolly as if nothing happened a few moments before.
"I...I have been gg..good." Now I didn't want him to get angry so I tried to reply decently.
"HHhhmmmm Nice. Since I already know everything about you, what you did in past 3 years, so let's have our lunch." Although I now he had been keeping a watch on me, but the way he said, that creep me out. There was only one plate which was kept in between that small table with two sets of cutlery. I thought that if understood that I don't want to eat anything so he will eat and I'll sit here and watch him, but 2 sets of cutlery and his next words surprised me again.

"Aaawwww baby, have you ever heard that sharing increases love? From now onwards, whenever we will eat together, we will eat like this, feeding each other from the same plate."

I don't understand why he was being so creepy now. Earlier he was so angry on me that he wanted to punish me, and now he was behaving like a roadside Romeo. He started serving pasta in the plate, I wonder how he remembered that I love mix sauce pasta, but he is a stalker, how can I forget that. After pouring a satisfying amount of it, he took a serving on the fork and offered me to eat.

"I..I can eat myself, Thankyou." I declined politely.

"Eat" His voice was polite, but it held warning, I immediately put that fork in my mouth and started munching. I wasn't even feeling the taste of my favourite food because I was too preoccupied with the circumstances. As I was munching slowly with my head bowed down, I saw Ayan's hand coming in my direction, and I immediately flinched, but his hand rubbed my lower lip removing the pasta sauce and then licking his thumb tasting the sauce. I was too stunned with his action.

"Ummmm god, this pasta is amazing. Do you like it?" He said after licking his thumb and I simply nodded my head.

"Hey Myra, that's very rude. I feed you, and you didn't. I'm hungry, feed me too." He said jokingly to which I abruptly lift the other fork and feed him a small amount. He then started eating from the fork from which I ate a few moments back and motioned me to start as well. I keep staring at the fork and the plate.

"Had I known that you'll love fork more than pasta, I would have told them to make a chocolate fork for you. We have a long day ahead. And you need energy, look at yourself, you are too weak. I know you never take care of yourself, and skip your meals frequently. But don't worry, now I have come back, I'll take care of you. Now, eat, else I'll feed you myself." Listening to him, I immediately took some of the pasta in my mouth. I was still confused with his nice side. It was scaring me more. So I ate in small amounts and after having a few bites, I put my fork on the side indicating that I am done. Soon after, he made a gesture and our plate was replaced by a mouth watering choco brownie cake on which a heart was made with M&Ms. The cake was huge, I bet 2 people can't finish it even with their full appetite.

"This cake is to mark the beginning of our journey, TOGETHER. From today, I promise to be with you, forever, we will share all the moments of happiness and sadness together, until the death do us apart. I love you madly Myra, and I don't expect you to love me back too soon. I know you hate me know, but be with me, trust me I'll change his hate into love. One day, you'll love me with the same passion, and then we will live happily together. This is for our love. Come on now, let's cut the cake."

With this, he held my hand and we both cut the cake, he took some cake and feed me, intentionally he rub some chocolate cream on my cheek, then he licked it from my cheek sensuously and asked me to feed him as well. But when I offered him a piece of cake, he not only took whole of the piece in his mouth, but also bit my hand. He was looking so calm and content.

"You know Myra, the days which I spent without you were so boring, I wasn't living my life, I was just going through it. With you, life seems to be so alive and I feel so happy. I am very glad that god give me you, you have become my life. I love you a lot, and I'll never get over with expressing my love to you. So now my lady, let's dance to celebrate this occasion."

With this, he dragged me to the area near our lunch table, he motioned and a soothing tune started to play. I was obeying him like a live doll. I can't afford to disobey him anymore. He twirled and swirled me on the rhythms, then he rested both of his hands on my waist, my hands on his chest and began swaying slowly. The moment was quiet. He was staring at me as if I am world's best painting, and my eyes were down, I was focussing more on how to stop him from reducing the distance between us, but he was stronger and he was pulling me closer and closer.

"Tell me Myra, did Manav ever touched you or kissed you? Tell me the truth because eventually I'll find it myself, and when I do, I'll kill him if you'll tell a lie. Tell me love, did he ever touch you like the way I am touching." Ayaan asked coming close to my ear. His lips were brushing on my ear and breath was fanning on my neck.

"Nnnooo, he never me or kk.kkissedd me. He proposed me yesterday only. Before that, we were just friends, and he was my boss. We shared a relationship of understanding not love." I confessed truthfully.

"Hhhmmm did you know that he liked you from a long time? I have seen the spark in his eyes when he talked about you, the fire when he talks about protecting you are more than mere friendship. Anyway, don't worry, now we will not see him more, just today, and then his chapter will be over, forever." He said, gripping my waist tightly and pulling me closer.

"Please Please don't do anything to him. He is not at fault, I'll break all my ties with him, please leave him. He is your friend as well and I am indebted to him for what he has done for......

I wasn't able to speak any further because next moment he smashed his lips on mine, giving me a dominating kiss. He was kissing me as if telling me to whom I belonged. He bit my lower lip and deepens the kiss disgusting me to the core. I was trying to push him, but he made it deeper. I wasn't responding and soon he broke off and connected our foreheads. Both of us were breathing heavily due to the kiss.

"And here goes your first kiss baby. Now you know how I can make you silent. Didn't I tell you not to take his name in front of me, and here you are praising him again and again. I have just kissed you, I am your first one, and I only will be your last one, so stop thinking about him now. And since you are my girl, only for you, I'm taking you to meet him for the last time. I hope you enjoyed our date, it's time for the surprise baby."

He said all this while rubbing my swollen lips with his thumb. I was still numb from the kiss, and he again started dragging me towards the lift. I was feeling so low, so degraded. I just wish to get this day over soon. I can't take more, I'm already broken. I wish I can become invisible. This day has become cursed for me. With this thought, I let myself dragged by him to the lift.


Hello guys, hope you doing well.

I know I am a new writer and I must be doing a lot of mistakes in this story, I have a very few readers but I think I'm loosing them as well. If you are reading it, and you didn't like the story in any way, just convey to me. You guys are very precious to me and I don't want to lose any of you. You helped me start my journey, please don't leave me alone in between. I need your support, and I promise to consider everyone's opinions about it.

Thank you 

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