Chapter 30: The Unknown Well Wisher

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Hey Guys

I hope you all are good and safe from the current situation going on all over the world. I extremely regret going away from all of you for such a long time. But I promise, I'll never leave all of you alone now. I just pray to god that this pandemic and our quarantine ends as early as possible, but till then enjoy my updates. #StayHomeStaySafe


England is here. Free life, no pressure, no obligations, just me and my family. We landed here today morning and my family is exhausted from the jet lag so they are resting in the hotel room. But I want to live this one week as if this is the last week of my life. I will enjoy my life and will try to prepare myself mentally for the new life in which I will be forced to enter after this week. Somewhere, due to the past events, I have this feeling that Ayan is a good guy; it's just that he is a bit different from others. But I have promised myself now that I will try my best to make this relationship work. I still fear him to the core of my heart but I don't have any option left now. I will have to live my life with him and knowing this fact, it is better if I start accepting things the way they are. My family wanted to take some rest before visiting places, so I'm just taking a round around my hotel to check places. I have got two guards with me and they are walking just behind me. They are always standing outside my hotel room and walk behind me wherever I go. The hotel arrangements were amazing. This hotel shows whole London from its rooftop and just by the look of it I can predict that the stay is going to be amazing here. Sitting in my hotel room with an extremely cold weather outside, I thought of reading something while having a cup of coffee, so I immediately ordered a cup of coffee and took out my current reading from my bag. I was just about to get lost in the book when the doorbell rang indicating me the arrival of my coffee. The taste of coffee was doing justice to the surroundings. I was savouring the best coffee of my life when I thought to just take a look of what other good things this place offers.

When I pick up the menu, a small note fell from it, immediately catching my attention. I took up the note just to find a message written on it

"God always help those who deserve it. May god help you too."

I was completely confused about the note as well as its sender. Who could send me a note here, and what kind of help is that person talking about. Immediately after that my phone rang and Ayan's photo slashed on the screen. I picked up the call

'hey Ayan, what's up?'

'Hey sweetie, you reached safely? Is everything fine?' Ayan asked

'Yes Ayan, we reached safely and we are just taking this day as our lazy day to cure our jet lag and travel tiredness. We are planning to go on a city tour tomorrow.'

'Yeah sure, I'll make all the arrangements. Else, everything okay, right? You fine?' he asked with a concern

'Yes I'm fine; I'm just tired, maybe because of the journey. Don't worry.' I didn't feel like telling him about the note so I chose to keep quite

'Okay beautiful, take care. I miss you. Come back soon, Love you.' With this, he cut the call

I was too scared to tell him about this note. May be he would think that I intentionally chose London to get away from him. I chose to ignore the note. Just then, hotel room intercom rang again and I picked it up just to hear it from reception

'Ma'am a parcel has arrived for you. Should we send it to your room or would you like to collect it from reception.'

'who..who's the sender?' I was shocked who could send me a parcel here

'We don't know ma'am, sender has not disclosed their identity.' They replied

'Are you sure it's mine?' I asked to double check it

'Yes ma'am, your name and room number is mentioned on the pack.' They confirmed

'Okay, send it to my room.' I ordered in curiousness.

Soon the door bell rang and that parcel arrived, I was expecting a small package but it was a medium sized box, on opening it, I found a bunch of photos lying above it, photos of Ayan preparing things for our marriage, photos of my wedding preparations going on in India, then photos of an angry Ayan. Just the thought of him being angry is the scariest thought in the world. Beneath the photos, there was a bag, in it, their were some clothes, clothes just like what hotel staff was wearing. As I was getting more and more confused, I saw a paper at the end of the box, it said,

"Hey Dear

I hope you had a good flight. I know you have already surrendered to the situation and trust me, if anyone would have been at your place, that person must have surrendered by now, but you are being brave, you handled the situation so well. I am proud of you. But trust me, you don't have to do it anymore. You chose this place because god intentionally wanted you to come here and have your chance of escaping and living your life in the way you want.

Decision is yours, and it will always be yours, but you can save yourself as well as your family and no one will be able to do anything wrong with you then. I have send the hotel staff uniform by which you can easily fool your guards as they have clear instructions of not entering your room until you say so. My car will be waiting outside the hotel for you. Listening won't hurt, right? Just listen to me once, and then take the decision of submitting yourself to that monster. Remember how he tortured you in the past; he will always be the same monster. Once a monster can never change. Today at 11:00pm, come outside the hotel. No one will get to know anything. Please trust me once, and you will never regret, I promise. You have nothing to lose now, so I hope you'll come. I'll wait for you.

Your Well Wisher"

Everything was making me confuse now, who the hell is this person and why does this person want to help me? How this person does has so many information about me and my life. But all that is written in the note is so true that I can't believe that this is some stranger doing it. I have a strong feeling that I know this person. But should I go? Or not? What will happen if Ayan gets to know about this, What if it's a well laid out plan? But Ayan has already got everything he wanted, then why would he do so? The only thing which was in my mind was what if it really is a chance to escape from here? I was worried. Soon my doorbell rang and it was my family inviting me for the dinner. We went to have dinner in the hotel restaurant and all my family discussed was their worries with Ayan and the current situation. No one was even a bit excited about the trip. That instance I made decision to go and meet this well wisher. Whatever will happen now, I know god will help me.

I am coming. Let's see who you are...

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