Chapter 27: A Final Warning

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Thank you so much for your wishes guys. So I have decided to continue the story. December will be a busy month for me, after that living alone will give me a lot of time to give you frequent updates. I'll try to spare as much time as I can for this story :D


Myra's POV

Ayan walked towards me and I walked backwards. How is he here? Why is police not with him? What is happening? A lot of questions were roaming in my mind but I wasn't able to speak due to the sheer terror of the devil in front of me. My back touched the wall and he immediately caged me between his body and the wall. Before I opened my mouth to say something, he put his finger on my lips and spoke

Not a word now. You have done enough already. Now just keep your mouth shut. And you will not say anything until I ask you to speak. One wrong word from your mouth and you will see dead faces of your family. And trust me sweetheart, nothing in this world will be able to stop me from doing this. Now be a good girl and behave, else one phone call, and you'll never be able to talk to your mother again."

His voice was dangerous. He was very angry. I started shivering in fear, but he was looking scarier every second. I had no choice. He didn't left me any other option than to follow his orders. He took me outside, there policeman was standing with Anamika's parents. I felt relieved after seeing her parents; they will never leave him for their daughter's death. But the next conversation was the least expected one for me.

Ayan: Sorry Inspector Sir, my soon to be wife had a bad dream and she troubled you. I promise you that such thing will never happen again. Sorry for wasting your time.

Anamika's father: Yes sir, our daughter is not in the country. She is in her university completing her masters. How can she come here and be killed by him. We ourselves talked to her last night, and she is alive, safe and sound, in London.

Anamika's mother: Sir, we don't know how her friend can say such words about her soon to be husband, but my daughter is safe. We assure you about it.

Police Officer: Sir, Ma'am, we are extremely sorry to trouble you. We are happy to hear that your daughter is safe. You can go now. And before going, just give your statements on that table so that we can close this case.

Ayan: Sir, my fiancé is too tired. Can we leave too?

Police Officer: Yes sir, the case is closed. You may leave now. Take care of her. And congratulations in advance for your wedding :')

If I was shivering earlier, then I was half dead now. What was happening? How this case was closed so easily? Why did Anamika's parents keep quite? Why did inspector allow Ayan to take me when I already told him that he can harm me? Everything was going above my head. And Ayan started dragging me outside. No, I can't go with him. What will he do with me now? He was looking very angry and I know saying anything to him right now was futile. So I kept quiet and sat in his car. He drove at a very high speed scaring me more. I shut my eyes and started enchanting god's name to protect myself. He stopped the car with a screeching sound and slammed the door while exiting from his seat. Soon, he opened the door of my side and began dragging me. I dared not to speak anything, since he was already looking beyond angry. He took me in the lift and a sudden realization hit me. It was his torture house, the one where he brought me earlier, where he revealed his deal, where he called Anamika again to be with me, where he tortured Manav and forced him to leave. His deal came in my mind, what will he do now? I disobeyed him, no; I don't want to face the consequences. I am not ready. I will have to do something. I let him drag myself to the same room which I saw earlier, I petrified remembering his warnings. No, this can't happen, but soon he threw me on the bed inside the room and closed the door with a thud. I immediately stand up on the side. I was shivering; he was taking slow steps towards me. I wanted to speak but my voice betrayed me. He came dangerously close and held my shoulders in a very tight grip. I winced in pain, but he didn't lose his hold and break the silence.

"Don't you want to know why police didn't do anything?"

"N..noo noo please let me go" I tried to reason out

"Don't you want to know why Anamika's parents lied?"

"Please leave me this time, I w..won't repeat it...t again." I tried again but he wasn't in the mood of listening

"Don't you want answers Myra? I want to tell you"

"No no please let me go, I don't want to listen"

"But you'll have to listen because I want you to listen"

With this, he slammed in on the nearby wall and immediately caged me between his body and wall.

"Didn't I tell you about my position and powers? I did. But then why do you need to be reminded about them so frequently. That bitch's parents were saving their own life by giving such statement. Policemen were saving their life by dismissing the case. Can't you understand such a small thing sweetheart? Now, tell me, why did you try to run away? I thought you are a good daughter and you will think about your parents before doing such stupidity."

"No, no please don't do anything to them. They are innocent. Please, I won't do it again." I tried one last time before he screamed

"Just answer me. Why did you try to run away from me?" He screamed loudly banging his fist on the wall behind me. I flinched at the loud voice. I was not able to speak now. Tears were streaming down my face and my eyes were shut. I waited for him to take any action but he moved away and spoke again

"Myra, this is your last and final warning. You know I can't harm you, but does that mean that I can't harm the ones you love? You have just tested my powers, and sweetheart trust me, I can do more than that. You have lost my trust today. I was going easy on you because I love you, but no easiness anymore. One more mistake and your worst nightmares will come true. Will you be a good girl now?"

When I did not reply, he said with a loud and threatening voice again

"I am asking something. Will you obey me now?"

", yes. I...I'll do you say." My voice quivered, but I managed to say this.

"Good Girl, and now it's time for your punishment."

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