ch 1. || the ex .

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Chapter one. 'you'
The introduction of the past.
Before the present
And what will be
The consequences that define the future.

After a long long flight you were just about ready to collapse from sleep deprivation when an unexpected email from bighit entertainment studios came in which to be fair was pretty strange considering you were halfway around the globe.

It read..


You turned your head to see f/n completely immersed in the music she was listening to from her favourite kpop group Snsd you didnt wanna bother her so you read on.

All applicants to audition tomorrow morning at 09:00-18:00
Or 18:00 -21:00

Must attend an orientation tonight at 20:00. Please dont forget to bring all your necessary equipment as you will be practicing for tomorrow, see you soon
-bang pd nim

"Great " you said sarcastically out loud enough for f/n to hear you

"whats the matter"? She asked as you continued to make your way through the airport

"The matter is that i have to go for orientation in five hours, and im tired as fuck" you sighed

"its fine we'll just get to the dorms and sleep for two hours then I'll help you get ready sound good?" - f/n

"yeah lets go" you said as you walked out the front door of the suprisingly breathtaking incheon airport .

As you stepped outside after grabbing your bags you headed outward to look for your ride. Once the breeze caught up to you, you zipped up your jacket and looked for the assigned car to bring you and f/n to the dorms.

While walking up the smooth pavement towards the row of black cars you saw a man standing outside a small black and red bus holding a sign saying BIGHIT in big bold lettering.

"That must be it" you told f/n
"must be" she replied

As you trudged your way over you both noticed how the bus looked nearly full except for the two remaining seats at the back .

'we must've been the last ones to come' you thought to yourself as the bus driver took your luggage and stuffed it in the boot while you tried to clamber your way past the near model like girls and to your seat.

'Oh well beauty doesn't always define talent'

The bus drive took longer than you expected and you couldn't help but use the drive to your advantage and take a power nap.

After two hours you woke up to f/n calling out your name telling you that we were here while shaking you vigorously.

You got up and made your way out of the bus to get your luggage. Once you were done you walked up the stairs and out of the underground car park only to be greeted by the most beautiful house you had ever seen

 Once you were done you walked up the stairs and out of the underground car park only to be greeted by the most beautiful house you had ever seen

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