ch 14.|| blackmail ;

108 6 0

6 months in .

Y/n pov

Jeon Jungkook was a name that left me. Broken for the last three months.

I couldn't comprehend how he managed to make me like this... But, then I realised that I fell in love with the jerk.

Unfortunate me.

I got cheated on so... I should hate him.

So why do I still love him?

All those thoughts rushed through my head so fast that I could've become lightheaded.

The sudden shot of pain to my stomach, however, was quick to shock me back to reality and the harsh truth that continued to give me whiplash since we started to tour Europe

That being -

that I missed the due date and deadline for my surgery ...

All because I didn't want to take time off tour to go unconscious for a total of seven hours. Now that I think about it.. It was pretty stupid. But my state of mind at the time  wasn't something that should be allowed enter a surgery room anyway.

I didn't feel like me- so I pushed myself and I pushed the boundaries ignoring the  missed call upon missed call that was left unreplied on my phone all from mom, and Dr. Kang.

I told myself that I felt fine because in reality thats what I wanted to think.

But my body was telling me something completely different.

It was warning me.

And I wasn't heeding any if its warnings because in that moment of time I felt invincible and thought that if I could continue the way I was going ... then i'd finish tour ,forget about every damn thing that was wrong in my life and make it back just in time for a full recovery .

Oh how I was wrong ,.. If I knew what would've happen in the future then I never would have done what I did then.

I wouldn't have been so naïve.


"yah jagiya !!" Chanyeol bellowed while barging into my changing  room followed by Kai, Sehun and  lastly Baekhyun .

"Yah pabo you're not allowed to call me that!" I exclaimed while hitting him with my makeup brush

"Yeah Chanyeol c'mon you know that
Y/n prefers when you call her dwarf "
both boys fell into a fit of laughter at their own self inflicted comment .

"Youre both hilarious bravo really" I replied sarcastically before heading to the couch and ruffling up chanbaeks hair .

They both groaned out in a fit of cheerful annoyance before moving over and letting me sink into Chanyeols embrace .

"how are you feeling today?" he questioned subtley. I pinched his cheek before teasing "I'm fine you don't need to worry people might actually get the idea that we like each other"

He scoffed "oh please if anyone likes anyone it's you who likes me not the other way around".

I smiled before very discreetly twisting his nipple earning an excruciatingly loud screech from the  biggest boy in the room.

"yah yah hajima! KNews is on"

We laughed it off before settling down and focusing our attention on the screen...

"Our beloved bangtan
boys are storming through
America and making their
mark  with their first win in the
American music awards,
with only six
months of their tour left"

 𝕯𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 || 𝖏.𝖏𝖐 Where stories live. Discover now