ch 9.|| empathy

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and light hitting against my face.

I smiled to myself as memories of last nights events replayed themselves in my head, it was like a dream that would never be forgotten.

I looked at Jungkook he was sleeping peacefully his dark hair scattered across his face while he inhaled and exhaled softly, this was a sight I could get used to seeing every morning,

Jungkook started to stir, his eyes fluttered open as he took in his surroundings, in a daze he looked down at me and smiled that perfect smile "morning jagiya" I couldn't help but blush at his cute demeanor.

"morning Kookie" I replied. 

He leaned in to kiss my forehead well.. at least that's what I thought but instead he lifted me up and pulled me close so that I was laying on top of him.

As he pulled me up my hair fell onto my shoulders creating a disheveled messy effect,  he marveled at the sight the 'byuntae'.

"you're beautiful you know that" he smiled genuinely  

"shutup you know you're completely naked and i've only got underwear on right?,"

he lifted the sheets off my back and looked down

"yah and how grateful I am that we are the way we are"  he grinned mischievously, i laughed at his childishness if you could even call it that.

"tsk stop staring at me" I scolded him as I covered my face with my hands.

"how can I not stare at you, you're amazing ...especially with all the unfortunate hickeys on your neck ," I looked at him straight away that smirking bastard

"ughh no Jungkook ....i dont like you" I whined as I buried my head in his also red neck
"everyone's going to see"

"let them see it ,they should know that the up and coming idol y/n l/n is mine and mine alone" I looked at him with a straight face that showed how cheesy he was being in the moment.

"you know let's show them your really mine". Jungkook started trailing kisses down my already sensitive neck, i paid no attention to this until I realised what it was he was doing the second he started sucking.

I pulled away instantly "Jeon Jungkook!!," i exclaimed

"come back!," he said as I tried to move out of his grasp.

He grabbed onto my sides and started tickling me but i had a weakness for tickles and he knew that and used it against me.

I started laughing out loud so much so that he started laughing too.

 I buried my head in his neck and he stopped tickling me... I sighed in relief still chuckling while i replayed what acctually just happened seeing as it hadn't sunk yet.

"I love you y/n" he said which made my heart skip a beat, i lifted my head up slowly

 "I love you too Jungkook,"

Like that we locked lips and once again began kissing except this time it was unforgettable aswell as funny since i couldn't help but start laughing in between,

It felt like we had all the time in the world so there was no need to rush, 

it was perfect even if most of it was spent smiling into the others mouths.

But just like that the perfect moment was ruined when f/n came bursting in through the door.

I broke away from the kiss to see a frozen f/n her mouth wide open. From the door the position Jungkook and I were in didn't look so innocent, I was lying on top of him while he rested his hands on my waist. 

 𝕯𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 || 𝖏.𝖏𝖐 Where stories live. Discover now