Chapter 6~Holy flipping pepperonis

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•Chapter 6•

What was he doing here? I backtracked, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"On second thought, I think you can be my floaty." I said when I reached Ace.

"Just couldn't resist these guns, right?" he bragged, flexing his muscles. I feigned gagging at his statement.

I stared at his biceps for a while before saying, "Don't flatter yourself, Ryder." I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Too late, I already did."

He then gave me a childish grin. I sighed at his cockiness and immaturity. Typical.

"Hey Maddie! Babe, is that you?"

Dammit. He spotted me. Screw his eagle-like eyes. I watched in horror as Aiden came closer. I muttered a chain of profanities under my breath.

"Hello babe, fancy seeing you here...with Ryder?"

I saw Ace tense while Aiden gritted his teeth.


"Aiden, I am not your babe." I smacked away the hand he was about to put on my waist.

Don't show fear. Don't show fear...

"What are you talking about?" Aiden was getting annoyed. Already. Hothead.

"Listen here... Aiden," I wondered why he had trouble saying his name. "she said you guys are over. So leave her the fuq alone."

Aiden clenched his fists.

"Mark my words. Maddelyn, you will be mine. Again." Aiden proclaimed, before disappearing back into the crowd.

No I will not.

I let out a sigh of relief before turning to Ace.


"Who is he to you?"

"My ex." I deadpanned.

"An abusive one too..." I added softly so Ace wouldn't hear, lowering my head for a second, taking quick, short breaths.

"What about you?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he changed the topic.

"Come on, you wanted me to be your floaty right?"

I didn't really bother prying it out of him though. I just had a feeling I'd find out some day. I then climbed onto Ace, not before Emilia came to check on me.

"Hey Mads, you okay? I saw you and Aiden." She detested him too. He did terrible things.

He ruined me.

Tears clouded my vision at the thought of the horribly painful memories.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I choked on the words, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand.

"Then, let's have fun!"

Another wave came, drenching us. Again.

After a few more rounds, we soon got bored once that round of waves was over. So, the three of us headed back to the table only to find the others waiting for us.

Upon seeing us, Malcolm exclaimed, "To the Splash Zone!" (It's basically splash mountain)

We split into groups of five and I was finally away from Ace. Joel was too afraid to go on it. Sissy. So, some random fangirl of Ace rode with the other dudes. I was on the same log-looking thingy with Cody, Emilia, Eva and Wes. While we were half-way through ascending the huge drop, I started panicking.

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